
歌曲 遭遇蝴蝶袭击(2/3)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 大学英语四六级晨读经典365


Sitting close beside her, he opened and closed his wings as if to fan her. I could only admire the love and courage of that butterfly in his concern for his mate. He had taken it upon himself to attack me for his mate's sake, even though she was clearly dying and I was so large. He did so just to give her those few extra precious moments of life. Should I have been careless enough to step on her? Now I knew why and what he was fighting for. There was really only one option left for me. I carefully made my way around the puddle to the other side of the path, though it was only inches wide and extremely muddy. His courage in attacking something thousands of times larger and heavier than himself just for his mate's safety justified it. I couldn't do anything other than reward him by walking on the more difficult side of the puddle.


Sitting close beside her, he opened and closed his wings as if to fan her. I could only admire the love and courage of that butterfly in his concern for his mate. He had taken it upon himself to attack me for his mate' s sake, even though she was clearly dying and I was so large. He did so just to give her those few extra precious moments of life. Should I have been careless enough to step on her? Now I knew why and what he was fighting for. There was really only one option left for me. I carefully made my way around the puddle to the other side of the path, though it was only inches wide and extremely muddy. His courage in attacking something thousands of times larger and heavier than himself just for his mate' s safety justified it. I couldn' t do anything other than reward him by walking on the more difficult side of the puddle.
tā jǐn kào zài tā de páng biān, chì bǎng yī zhāng yī hé, hǎo xiàng zài tì tā shàn shàn zi. wǒ zhǐ néng qīn pèi nà zhǐ hú dié zài duì tā de bàn lǚ de guān xīn zhōng biǎo xiàn chū ài hé yǒng qì. wèi le tā de bàn lǚ, tā bǎ xí jī wǒ de zhòng rèn jiā zài zì jǐ shēn shàng, jí shǐ tā yǐ míng xiǎn jiē jìn sǐ wáng, ér wǒ yòu rú cǐ páng dà. tā zhè yàng zuò zhǐ shì wèi le bǎo zhù tā shēng mìng zhòng nà é wài de diǎn dī zhēn guì shí guāng, wǒ zhēn bù gāi nà me bù xiǎo xīn yǐ zhì chà diǎn cǎi dào tā. xiàn zài, wǒ yǐ zhī dào tā wèi hé ér zhàn wèi shuí ér zhàn. wǒ zhǐ yǒu yí gè xuǎn zé, wǒ xiǎo xīn dì rào dào ní kēng lìng yī biān de lù shàng, suī rán tā zhǐ yǒu jǐ yīng cùn kuān ér qiě xiāng dāng ní nìng. tā wèi le bàn lǚ de ān quán qù gōng jī bǐ tā zì jǐ de shēn qū hé tǐ zhòng dà jǐ qiān bèi de duì shǒu, qí zhōng biǎo xiàn chū de yǒng qì zhèng míng liǎo tā yǒu zhèng dāng de lǐ yóu. wǒ bāng bù shàng shén me máng, chú le zǒu ní kēng gèng nán zǒu de yī biān lái jiǎng lì tā.