海龟 (3/8)

歌曲 海龟 (3/8)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 美国故事


"Look at that!" Tony said softly, "As strong as a machine." "He sure is." Old Joe said and moved back, "He must weight a hundred pounds, maybe more." The turtle pushed his ugly head toward the men. "He thinks there is going to be a fight." Tony said, "I wish I had brought my gun." "You are not going to kill him, are you?" Old Joe asked. "Why not?" Tony said, "Turtles kill our fish, don't they? The more trout they eat, the less we can catch." They both lit cigarettes and stood there smoking and looking at the turtle. It had pulled his head inside under the hard cover on his back. "There is a heavy tool in the car. I can hit him with it." Tony said, "But it is too short. I do not want to put my hand near him, he might try to bite it off." Old Joe said nothing. "You watch him," Tony said, "I'll go find something heavy and strong in the back of the car."
“快看!像机器一样强大。”托尼说道。 “他的确如此。”老Joe说并且转向后面,“他至少有一百磅重,也许不止。” 海龟把他难看的头对着这两个男人。 “他觉得有战斗要发生了。”托尼说,“要是我带了我的枪多好啊!” “你不会杀死他,是么?”老Joe问道。 “为什么不呢?”,托尼说,“海龟杀死我们的鱼,不是吗?他们吃掉越多的鳟鱼,我们能抓到的就越少。” 他们俩都点了烟站在那里抽,并且看着海龟。它已经把他的头藏到他那背上的壳里面了。 “我们车上有锐利的武器,我可以拿来攻击它”托尼说到“但是,它太短了。我不能让我的手靠近他,否则它对咬断的。” 老Joe什么也没说。 “你在这里看着他,”托尼说道,“我到汽车后面找些厉害又坚硬的工具来。”


" Look at that!" Tony said softly, " As strong as a machine." " He sure is." Old Joe said and moved back, " He must weight a hundred pounds, maybe more." The turtle pushed his ugly head toward the men. " He thinks there is going to be a fight." Tony said, " I wish I had brought my gun." " You are not going to kill him, are you?" Old Joe asked. " Why not?" Tony said, " Turtles kill our fish, don' t they? The more trout they eat, the less we can catch." They both lit cigarettes and stood there smoking and looking at the turtle. It had pulled his head inside under the hard cover on his back. " There is a heavy tool in the car. I can hit him with it." Tony said, " But it is too short. I do not want to put my hand near him, he might try to bite it off." Old Joe said nothing. " You watch him," Tony said, " I' ll go find something heavy and strong in the back of the car."
" kuài kàn! xiàng jī qì yí yàng qiáng dà." tuō ní shuō dào. " tā dí què rú cǐ." lǎo Joe shuō bìng qiě zhuǎn xiàng hòu miàn," tā zhì shǎo yǒu yī bǎi bàng zhòng, yě xǔ bù zhǐ." hǎi guī bǎ tā nán kàn de tóu duì zhe zhè liǎng gè nán rén. " tā jué de yǒu zhàn dòu yào fā shēng le." tuō ní shuō," yào shì wǒ dài le wǒ de qiāng duō hǎo a!" " nǐ bú huì shā sǐ tā, shì me?" lǎo Joe wèn dào. " wèi shí me bù ne?", tuō ní shuō," hǎi guī shā sǐ wǒ men de yú, bú shì ma? tā men chī diào yuè duō de zūn yú, wǒ men néng zhuā dào de jiù yuè shǎo." tā men liǎ dōu diǎn le yān zhàn zài nà li chōu, bìng qiě kàn zhe hǎi guī. tā yǐ jīng bǎ tā de tóu cáng dào tā nà bèi shàng de ké lǐ miàn le. " wǒ men chē shàng yǒu ruì lì de wǔ qì, wǒ kě yǐ ná lái gōng jī tā" tuō ní shuō dào" dàn shì, tā tài duǎn le. wǒ bù néng ràng wǒ de shǒu kào jìn tā, fǒu zé tā duì yǎo duàn de." lǎo Joe shén me yě méi shuō. " nǐ zài zhè lǐ kàn zhe tā," tuō ní shuō dào," wǒ dào qì chē hòu miàn zhǎo xiē lì hài yòu jiān yìng de gōng jù lái."