Flannery carefully lifted the box from the desk and put it in a corner. Mister Morehouse quickly wrote a letter to the president of the transportation express company. The president answered, informing Mister Morehouse that all claims for overcharge should be sent to the Claims Department. Mister Morehouse wrote to the Claims Department. One week later, he received the answer. The Claims Department said it had discussed the matter with the agent at Westcote. The agent said Mister Morehouse had refused to accept the two Guinea pigs shipped to him, therefore the department said Mister Morehouse had no claim against the company and should write to its Tariff Department. Mister Morehouse wrote to the Tariff Department. He stated his case clearly. The head of the Tariff Department read Mister Morehouse's letter. "Ah, Guinea pigs," he said," probably starved to death by this time." He wrote to the agent, asking why the shipment was held up. He also wanted to know if the Guinea pigs were still in good health. |