40 other men attacked the logs. Then with a mighty roar, the mountain broke free. The falling logs leaped forward like animals down into the swift water. The logjam was broken. One by one, the town people left. The sun moved down behind the trees. A cool evening breeze came up the river. Jimmy Powers walked toward me. "And now," he said," the owner of the largest lumber mill saw me work today and offered me a job as a boss. Imagine that, me, a boss." It was a strange look on his face. "Well," I said, "You earned it. I'm not going to call you a hero because you wouldn't like that. But what you did this afternoon showed courage. It was a brave act. But it was better because you saved your enemy. You are a leader of men." I stopped. Jimmy kept looking at me. "Mister," he said, "if you are going to hang stars on my Christmas tree, just start right now. I didn't rescue Darrell because I had a Christian feeling for him. I was just saving him for the burling match next fourth of July. |