
歌曲 伊莎贝拉与玛格丽特1
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC英国的那些女王们


[00:05.00] 1953, a coronation fit for a King
[00:10.00] But it's a young Queen
[00:11.00] who's about to be crowned.
[00:13.00] And the crowd roars its approval
[00:17.00] The fact that she's a woman attracts no comment
[00:20.00] and she will go on to reign over us for six decades
[00:25.00] But England's Queens haven't always been greeted with such adoration.
[00:31.00] The first woman who sought to be crowned Queen in her own right
[00:35.00] here in Westminster,
[00:36.00] 800 years earlier,
[00:38.00] received a very different response
[00:41.00] She wasn't met by cheering crowds
[00:44.00] Instead, she was chased away from the capital by an angry mob
[00:51.00] That's because throughout our history
[00:54.00] women and power have made an uneasy combination.
[00:58.00] Never more so than the Middle Ages
[01:00.00] when a King was a warrior who had to fight to win power
[01:05.00] battle to keep it.
[01:09.00] But despite everything that stood in their way,
[01:12.00] a handful of extraordinary women did attempt to rule Medieval England
[01:18.00] This series is about the Queens
[01:21.00] who challenged male power
[01:23.00] and the fierce reactions they provoked.
[01:28.00] When they pursued power like Kings,
[01:30.00] these royal women were criticised and condemned
[01:33.00] Most graphically of all,
[01:34.00] they've been vilified as She-Wolves
[01:37.00] These are the stories of the She-Wolves of England.
[01:41.00] And to explore them is to realise just how far we've come,
[01:45.00] and how little has changed.


[00:05.00] 1953 nián, guó wáng de jiā miǎn lǐ
[00:10.00] bèi jiā miǎn de zhǔ jué
[00:11.00] shì nián qīng de nǚ wáng
[00:13.00] rén qún zhōng bào fā chū yī zhèn zhèn huān hū
[00:17.00] shì shí shàng, tā yǐ jīng wèi shòu zhēng yì de
[00:20.00] zài wǒ men guó jiā zhí zhèng le 60 duō nián
[00:25.00] rán ér, yīng guó de nǚ wáng bìng bù zǒng shì shòu dào rú cǐ de chóng jìng ài dài
[00:31.00] zài 800 nián qián de
[00:35.00] wēi sī mǐn sī tè
[00:36.00] dì yī wèi yī zhào zì jǐ de quán lì xī wàng bèi jiā miǎn wèi nǚ wáng de nǚ rén
[00:38.00] shòu dào de shì wán quán bù tóng de huí yìng
[00:41.00] tā bìng wèi yíng de qún zhòng de huān hū
[00:44.00] xiāng fǎn, tā bèi fèn nù de mín zhòng gǎn chū le shǒu dū
[00:51.00] zhè shì yīn wèi, zài wǒ men de lì shǐ shàng
[00:54.00] nǚ rén hé quán lì hěn shǎo huì bèi lián xì zài yì qǐ
[00:58.00] gèng bù yòng shuō zài zhōng shì jì
[01:00.00] guó wáng wǎng wǎng shì tōng guò zhàn zhēng yíng de tǒng zhì
[01:05.00] bìng yòng zhàn zhēng wéi hù tǒng zhì de yǒng shì
[01:09.00] jǐn guǎn yǒu rú cǐ duō de jiān nán xiǎn zǔ
[01:12.00] hái shì yǒu yī xiǎo cuō de nǚ xìng shì tú qù tǒng zhì zhōng shì jì de yīng gé lán
[01:18.00] zhè gè xì liè shì guān yú nèi xiē
[01:21.00] gǎn yú tiǎo zhàn nán quán
[01:23.00] hé tā men jī qǐ de qiáng liè fǎn duì de nǚ wáng men
[01:28.00] dāng tā men zhuī zhú guó wáng bān de quán lì shí
[01:30.00] zhèi xiē chū shēn gāo guì de nǚ rén bǎo shòu pī píng hé zhǐ zé
[01:33.00] zuì wéi shēng dòng de fǎn yìng shì
[01:34.00] tā men bèi miè chēng wéi" mǔ láng"
[01:37.00] zhè shì zhèi xiē yīng gé lán mǔ láng de gù shì
[01:41.00] tàn suǒ zhèi xiē gù shì, shì wèi le chǎn míng wǒ men zhì jīn zǒu le duō yuǎn
[01:45.00] què zhǐ zuò chū le duō wēi xiǎo de gǎi biàn