
歌曲 伊莎贝拉与玛格丽特10
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC英国的那些女王们


[00:01.864] At Bannockburn, Robert Bruce routed Edward's army.
[00:08.913] England had lost its hold on Scotland.
[00:12.457] Its borders were now overrun by Scot's raids
[00:15.981] and they couldn't be defended without help from the Earl of Lancaster,
[00:20.236] the man who had murdered Edward's beloved Gaveston.
[00:25.927] The threat of the Scots and the rift between Edward and Lancaster,
[00:28.815] made England a profoundly dysfunctional kingdom,
[00:32.150] and for Isabella it was a thankless task to be its Queen.
[00:35.860] But her unhappy situation was about to become much worse.
[00:39.945] A new favourite was emerging at Edward's court,
[00:42.493] who would be more of a threat to Isabella than Gaveston had ever been.


[00:01.864] zài bān kè nuò běn, luó bó tè bù lǔ sī jī kuì le ài dé huá de jūn duì
[00:08.913] yīng gé lán shī qù le duì sū gé lán de kòng zhì quán
[00:12.457] biān jìng zāo dào sū gé lán rén de rù qīn
[00:15.981] ruò shì méi yǒu lán kāi sī tè bó jué de bāng zhù, tā men jiāng wú fǎ shǒu zhù zhè yī qiè
[00:20.236] ér nà gè nán rén què shā le ài dé huá de zhì ài jiā wéi sī dùn
[00:25.927] lái zì sū gé lán de wēi xié, yǐ jí ài dé huá hé lán kāi sī tè zhī jiān de bù hé
[00:28.815] ràng yīng gé lán guó nèi xiàn rù yī piàn hùn luàn zhī zhōng
[00:32.150] zhè duì yī shā bèi lā lái shuō, kě wèi shì chī lì bù tǎo hǎo
[00:35.860] rán ér tā de dǎo méi jìng dì hái méi yuǎn dào tou er
[00:39.945] ài dé huá shēn biān yòu chū xiàn le yí gè xīn chǒng
[00:42.493] tā de wēi xié duì yī shā bèi lā de wēi xié, yuǎn bǐ jiā wéi sī dùn lái de dà