
歌曲 伊莎贝拉与玛格丽特26
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC英国的那些女王们


Like so many rulers before and since she started to run the country for her own enrichment. Very few of the objects that Isabella owned still survive but one that does is this exquisite casket. It's delicately engraved with the arms of England and France and it may have been a wedding present from her mother-in-law. It gives us a tiny glimpse of the extraordinary luxury with which Isabella surrounded herself. That, of course, was appropriate for a Queen, but the problem was that Isabella didn't know where to stop. At the helm of English government, Isabella and Mortimer rewarded themselves not just with silver trinkets, but with vast estates and the contents of the royal treasury.
就跟古往今来的许多统治者一样, 她开始操纵这个国家,为自己敛财。 伊莎贝拉拥有的东西,只有很少保留了下来,这个精致的棺材便是其中一件。上面雕刻着精致的英格兰和法兰西纹章,这可能是她婆婆送给她的结婚礼物。它给我们寄回得以窥见,伊莎贝拉身边聚集的绝世珍宝的冰山一角。当然,这对往后来说没什么不对,但问题在于,伊莎贝拉不懂得适可而止。 手里捏着英国政府,伊莎贝拉和莫蒂默得到的远远不止是金银器物,还有广袤的土地和国库里的奇珍异宝。


Like so many rulers before and since she started to run the country for her own enrichment. Very few of the objects that Isabella owned still survive but one that does is this exquisite casket. It' s delicately engraved with the arms of England and France and it may have been a wedding present from her motherinlaw. It gives us a tiny glimpse of the extraordinary luxury with which Isabella surrounded herself. That, of course, was appropriate for a Queen, but the problem was that Isabella didn' t know where to stop. At the helm of English government, Isabella and Mortimer rewarded themselves not just with silver trinkets, but with vast estates and the contents of the royal treasury.
jiù gēn gǔ wǎng jīn lái de xǔ duō tǒng zhì zhě yí yàng, tā kāi shǐ cāo zòng zhè gè guó jiā, wèi zì jǐ liǎn cái. yī shā bèi lā yōng yǒu de dōng xī, zhǐ yǒu hěn shǎo bǎo liú le xià lái, zhè gè jīng zhì de guān cái biàn shì qí zhōng yī jiàn. shàng miàn diāo kè zhe jīng zhì de yīng gé lán hé fǎ lán xī wén zhāng, zhè kě néng shì tā pó pó sòng gěi tā de jié hūn lǐ wù. tā gěi wǒ men jì huí dé yǐ kuī jiàn, yī shā bèi lā shēn biān jù jí de jué shì zhēn bǎo de bīng shān yī jiǎo. dāng rán, zhè duì wǎng hòu lái shuō méi shén me bú duì, dàn wèn tí zài yú, yī shā bèi lā bù dǒng de shì kě ér zhǐ. shǒu lǐ niē zhe yīng guó zhèng fǔ, yī shā bèi lā hé mò dì mò dé dào de yuǎn yuǎn bù zhǐ shì jīn yín qì wù, hái yǒu guǎng mào de tǔ dì hé guó kù lǐ de qí zhēn yì bǎo.