
歌曲 伊莎贝拉与玛格丽特30
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC英国的那些女王们


This is how Isabella has been remembered. Certainly many of her actions were violent and self-serving. But then, so were those of the men around her. And the vitriol heaped on her by history draws on an image of female power as grotesque, savage and immoral. Over the next hundred years, England and France were almost constantly at war and out of this conflict emerged the woman that Shakespeare dubbed a she-wolf. By 1444 the English were on the back foot and ready to make a truce. All hopes for peace rested on the young shoulders of Margaret, daughter of the Duke of Anjou. She would marry the English King, Henry VI, and seal a treaty between the warring countries. Margaret grew up in this impressive castle in Angers and her childhood here gave her a useful lesson in the limitations of royal power.
这就是伊莎贝拉在人们心中的形象,的确她的很多行为,不仅暴力而且自私。但换个角度,她身边的很多男人也这样, 历史各种加诸在她身上的尖酸刻薄,导致女人掌权给人一种诡异,野蛮和下作的形象。在之后百年内,英格兰和法兰西战乱频频,也由于这个原因,促使莎士比亚唤她为“母狼”。直到1444年,英格兰一直在走下坡路,是停战的时候了。所有和平的希望全都担在安茹公爵年轻的女儿,亚格力特的肩膀上,她将要嫁给英格兰国王亨利六世。在敌对两国间,达成一份停战协议。玛格丽特在昂热这座惊世绝伦的城堡长大,她的童年教会她一门及其有用的课程,那就是王权也有极限。


This is how Isabella has been remembered. Certainly many of her actions were violent and selfserving. But then, so were those of the men around her. And the vitriol heaped on her by history draws on an image of female power as grotesque, savage and immoral. Over the next hundred years, England and France were almost constantly at war and out of this conflict emerged the woman that Shakespeare dubbed a shewolf. By 1444 the English were on the back foot and ready to make a truce. All hopes for peace rested on the young shoulders of Margaret, daughter of the Duke of Anjou. She would marry the English King, Henry VI, and seal a treaty between the warring countries. Margaret grew up in this impressive castle in Angers and her childhood here gave her a useful lesson in the limitations of royal power.
zhè jiù shì yī shā bèi lā zài rén men xīn zhōng de xíng xiàng, dí què tā de hěn duō xíng wéi, bù jǐn bào lì ér qiě zì sī. dàn huàn gè jiǎo dù, tā shēn biān de hěn duō nán rén yě zhè yàng, lì shǐ gè zhǒng jiā zhū zài tā shēn shàng de jiān suān kè bó, dǎo zhì nǚ rén zhǎng quán gěi rén yī zhǒng guǐ yì, yě mán hé xià zuò de xíng xiàng. zài zhī hòu bǎi nián nèi, yīng gé lán hé fǎ lán xī zhàn luàn pín pín, yě yóu yú zhè gè yuán yīn, cù shǐ shā shì bǐ yà huàn tā wèi" mǔ láng". zhí dào 1444 nián, yīng gé lán yī zhí zài zǒu xià pō lù, shì tíng zhàn de shí hòu le. suǒ yǒu hé píng de xī wàng quán dōu dān zài ān rú gōng jué nián qīng de nǚ ér, yà gé lì tè de jiān bǎng shàng, tā jiāng yào jià gěi yīng gé lán guó wáng hēng lì liù shì. zài dí duì liǎng guó jiān, dá chéng yī fèn tíng zhàn xié yì. mǎ gé lì tè zài áng rè zhè zuò jīng shì jué lún de chéng bǎo zhǎng dà, tā de tóng nián jiào huì tā yī mén jí qí yǒu yòng de kè chéng, nà jiù shì wáng quán yě yǒu jí xiàn.