
歌曲 伊莎贝拉与玛格丽特5
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC英国的那些女王们


[00:01.698] A King couldn't rule without the support of his powerful nobles.
[00:06.386] They would help him keep order in the kingdom and defend it from attack,
[00:11.342] while the King himself offered leadership and security.
[00:15.875] But that's just what the nobles thought Edward wasn't doing.
[00:20.723] His father, the great warrior King Edward I,
[00:23.672] had defended the country and earned the title "Hammer of the Scots"
[00:27.884] for his ferocious attempt to conquer Scotland.
[00:31.982] But these hard-won gains were now being lost by his son
[00:36.928] and the nobles laid the blame on his obsession with Gaveston.
[00:42.935] Eventually, seeing no other option, a group of nobles came to parliament, armed and angry.
[00:51.712] They demanded that Gaveston be banished,
[00:54.046] and forced Edward to agree that 21 of them should rule on his behalf.
[01:01.713] This was not what Isabella had signed up for when she married the King of England.
[01:07.766] But she was still little more than a child, and she was powerless to stop the conflict.


[00:01.698] yí gè guó wáng de tǒng zhì lí bù kāi qiáng yǒu lì guì zú de zhī chí
[00:06.386] zhèi xiē guì zú huì bāng zhù guó wáng wéi chí wáng guó de zhì xù bìng qiě bǎo hù wáng guó miǎn shòu gōng jī
[00:11.342] xiāng duì de guó wáng tí gōng lǐng dǎo hé ān quán
[00:15.875] dàn zhè qià qià shì guì zú suǒ rèn wéi de ài dé huá èr shì suǒ bù néng zuò dào de
[00:20.723] tā de fù qīn, wěi dà de zhàn shì ài dé huá yī shì
[00:27.884] bǎo wèi le guó jiā bìng qiě yīn zhàn lǐng sū gé lán de jīng rén cháng shì ér bó de le sū gé lán zhī chuí de tóu xián
[00:31.982] dàn zhèi xiē lái zhī bù yì de chéng guǒ zhèng cóng tā de ér zi shǒu zhōng shī qù
[00:36.928] ér guì zú men jiāng cǐ guī zuì yú ài dé huá duì Gaveston de chī mí
[00:42.935] zuì zhōng, yóu yú bié wú xuǎn zé, yī qún wǔ zhuāng de fèn nù de guì zú lái dào guó huì
[00:54.046] tā men yāo qiú Gaveston bì xū bèi fàng zhú bìng qiě qiǎng pò ài dé huá tóng yì tā men 21 rén dài biǎo ài dé huá jìn xíng tǒng zhì
[01:01.713] zhè bìng bú shì yī shā bèi lā jià gěi yīng guó guó wáng shí suǒ yuē dìng hǎo de
[01:07.766] dàn tā dāng shí réng jǐn jǐn shì yí gè hái zi, wú lì zǔ zhǐ zhè chǎng chōng tū