
歌曲 伊莎贝拉与玛格丽特8
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC英国的那些女王们


[00:01.811] Some of the lords, led by the powerful Earl of Lancaster,
[00:04.912] had seized Gaveston and sentenced him to death in a show trial.
[00:12.049] Gaveston was taken out onto a sunny hillside near Warwick
[00:15.611] and his head hacked from his body.
[00:22.760] Isabella's rival was gone,
[00:25.060] and now her position was about to become even stronger.
[00:30.278] On 12th of November 1312, Isabella went into labour.
[00:34.334] Shortly before six the next morning, she gave birth to a boy.
[00:38.758] The 17-year-old Queen kept her own counsel, 17
[00:41.400] but she had already learned a great deal.
[00:43.665] Her husband, she now knew, had much passion and little judgment.
[00:47.563] His nobles were men to be reckoned with.
[00:50.333] And now, with her son in her arms,
[00:52.449] Isabella herself held the key
[00:54.350] that would transform her power as Queen.


[00:01.811] qiáng quán zài wò de lán kāi sī tè bó jué shǒu xià yǒu yī xiē guì zú
[00:04.912] zhuā le jiā wéi sī dùn, bǎi gè yàng zi gōng shěn zhī hòu, bǎ tā chǔ sǐ le
[00:12.049] jiā wéi sī dùn bèi dǎi dào wò lǐ kè jùn yí gè yáng guāng míng mèi de shān pō shàng
[00:15.611] jiē zhe jiù bèi zhǎn shǒu, shēn shǒu yì chù
[00:22.760] yī shā bèi lā méi yǒu jìng zhēng duì shǒu le
[00:25.060] tā de dì wèi biàn de gèng jiān bù kě cuī
[00:30.278] 1312 nián 11 yuè 12 hào, yī shā bèi lā jìn le chǎn fáng
[00:34.334] dì èr tiān 6 diǎn bú dào, tā jiù shēng le gè ér zi
[00:38.758] suì de wáng hòu réng rán jiān chí zì jǐ de xiǎng fǎ
[00:41.400] bù guò tā yǐ jīng xué dào de gòu duō
[00:43.665] jù tā guān chá, tā de zhàng fū kōng yǒu yī qiāng bào fù, què méi yǒu pàn duàn lì
[00:47.563] xiàn zài shì zhuó shǒu duì fù nèi xiē guì zú de shí hòu le
[00:50.333] xiàn zài, zhàng zhe tā shǒu zhōng de hái zi
[00:52.449] yī shā bèi lā wò zhe néng gǎi biàn tā mìng yùn de yào shi,
[00:54.350] tā kě yǐ zhēn zhèng de biàn chéng wáng hòu le.