
歌曲 贪婪之梦20
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC经济学


[00:01.00] Jews, too, weren't supposed to lend at interest
[00:03.90] But there was a convenient get-out clause in the Old Testament book of Deuteronomy, chapter 23
[00:10.44] you aren't supposed to lend to your brother at interest
[00:13.40] But to a stranger? Well, that was a different matter
[00:16.30] In other words, a Jew couldn't lend to a Jew, but he could lend to a Christian
[00:25.28] The price the Jews paid for performing this service was social exclusion
[00:30.67] Hence the ghetto. And hence the centuries - long association between Jews and finance
[00:38.30] one of the few forms of economic activity from which Jews were not once excluded
[00:46.33] In the end, of course, Shylock is thwarted
[00:49.37] For although the court recognises his right to a pound of flesh
[00:52.84] the law also prohibits him from shedding Antonio's blood
[00:57.31] And, because he's a Jew
[00:58.83] the law also requires the loss of his goods and life for so much as plotting the death of a Christian
[01:04.69] He only escapes by submitting to baptism
[01:08.97] It turns out to be a risky business to be a moneylender
[01:14.83] The Merchant of Venice raises profound questions about both economics and anti-Semitism
[01:20.59] Why don't debtors always default on their debts?
[01:24.15] Especially when the creditors belong to unpopular ethnic minorities
[01:28.41] Why don't the Shylocks always lose out?


[00:01.00] yóu tài rén qí shí yí yàng bù néng fàng dài shōu xī
[00:03.90] dàn jiù yuē shēn mìng jì dì 23 zhāng zhōng què yǒu duàn huà kě guī bì zhè yī wèn tí
[00:10.44] nǐ bù néng xiàng xiōng dì shōu xī
[00:13.40] dàn rú guǒ shì mò shēng rén ne? zhè jiù shì lìng yī huí shì le
[00:16.30] huàn jù huà shuō, yóu tài rén bù néng jiè gěi yóu tài rén, què kě yǐ jiè gěi jī dū jiào tú
[00:25.28] yóu tài rén wéi cǐ fù chū de dài jià, bèi zhǔ liú shè huì pái chì
[00:30.67] yīn cǐ yǒu le yóu tài qū, yě yīn cǐ tā men kāi shǐ le yī chǎng kuà shì jì de jīn róng niè yuán
[00:38.30] ér jīn róng jiè dài shì yóu tài rén bù bèi pái chì zài wài de shǎo shù de jǐ gè jīng jì huó dòng zhī yī
[00:46.33] zài gù shì de zuì hòu, xià luò kè méi yǒu de chěng
[00:49.37] suī rán fǎ yuàn chéng rèn tā yǒu de dào nà yī bàng ròu de quán lì
[00:52.84] què yě jìn zhǐ tā ràng ān dōng ní ào liú xiě
[00:57.31] yīn wèi tā shì yóu tài rén
[00:58.83] rú guǒ tā móu hài le jī dū tú , fǎ lǜ jiāng bō duó tā de quán bù cái chǎn yǔ shēng mìng
[01:04.69] zhǐ yǒu shòu xǐ chéng wéi jī dū tú cái néng táo tuō è yùn
[01:08.97] shì shí zhèng míng, fàng dài rén shì jí fù fēng xiǎn de zhí yè
[01:14.83] wēi ní sī shāng rén fǎn yìng chū lái de shì jīng jì wèn tí yǔ fǎn yóu tài zhǔ yì
[01:20.59] wèi shí me qiàn zhài zhě zǒng shì bù huán qián?
[01:24.15] yóu qí shì dāng tā men de zhài quán rén shì bù shòu huān yíng de shǎo shù yì shí
[01:28.41] wèi shí me xià luò kè men zǒng shì shī bài?