
歌曲 贪婪之梦4
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC经济学


[00:07.03] Crisis or no crisis, the amount of money sloshing around planet finance still boggles the mind.
[00:14.33] By one measure, the US stock of money is now $8.7 trillion, up 12% since last year.
[00:23.15] And some people are still pocketing a huge share of that cash.
[00:29.92] Last year, despite the onset of the biggest financial crisis since the Depression
[00:35.17] his hedge fund paid George Soros a cool $2.4 billion.
[00:41.19] That's roughly 41,000 times more than the average American family earned.
[00:47.40] As they say on Wall Street, "Way to go".


[00:07.03] wú lùn shì fǒu chǔ yú jīn róng wēi jī shí qī, quán qiú jīn róng shì chǎng shàng de liú dòng zī jīn, shù é dōu dà de lìng rén nán yǐ zhì xìn
[00:14.33] jù diào chá, měi guó cún kuǎn zǒng é rú jīn yǐ dá dào 8. 7 wàn yì měi yuán, yǔ qù nián xiāng bǐ zēng zhǎng le 12
[00:23.15] ér qiě hái yǒu rén cóng zhōng huò lì
[00:29.92] qù nián, jǐn guǎn zāo yù le zì dà xiāo tiáo hòu de zuì dà de jīng jì wēi jī zhù: the Depression zhǐ 19291933 cóng měi guó kāi shǐ de quán qiú xìng jīng jì wēi jī
[00:35.17] qiáo zhì suǒ luó sī de duì chōng jī jīn réng zhuàn le 24 yì měi yuán
[00:41.19] dà yuē xiāng dāng yú měi guó pǔ tōng jiā tíng nián shōu rù de 4 wàn 1 qiān bèi
[00:47.40] yǐ huá ěr jiē de háng huà lái shuō " hǎo yàng de"