
歌曲 Beginnings英国起源(1)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC英国史


[00:22.41] Tacitus declared it "pretium victoriae" - worth the conquest,
[00:27.30] the best compliment that could occur to a Roman.
[00:33.12] He'd never visited these shores,
[00:34.72] but was nonetheless convinced that Britannia was rich in gold.
[00:42.61] Silver was abundant there, too.
[00:44.51] Apparently so were pearls,
[00:46.40] although Tacitus had heard they were grey,
[00:48.92] like the overcast rain-heavy skies,
[00:51.78] and the natives only bothered to collect them
[00:54.31] when they were cast up on the shore.
[00:59.57] As far as the Roman historians were concerned,
[01:01.72] Britannia might well be off the edge of the world,
[01:04.89] but it was off the edge of their world,
[01:06.69] not in some howling, barbarian wilderness.
[01:09.90] If the same writers had been able to travel in time
[01:13.11] as well as space to the northernmost of our islands,
[01:16.83] to the Orcades - our modern Orkney,
[01:19.51] they would have seen something much more astonishing than heaps of pearls
[01:23.67] The unmistakable signs of a civilisation thousands of years older than Rome.


[00:22.41] tǎ xī tuó chēng qí wèi" zhí de zhēng fú de tǔ dì",
[00:27.30] zài luó mǎ rén yǎn zhōng, zhè wú yí shì zuì gāo de zàn yù.
[00:33.12] tā cóng wèi tà zú zhè piàn tǔ dì,
[00:34.72] jǐn guǎn rú cǐ tā réng jiān xìn bù liè diān ní yà shì yí gè huáng jīn jiā dào de fù shù zhī dì.
[00:42.61] tóng yàng qǔ zhī bù jìn de hái yǒu bái yín yǔ zhēn zhū,
[00:44.51] jǐn guǎn tǎ xī tuó tīng shuō nà lǐ de zhēn zhū
[00:46.40] jiù xiàng nà lǐ cháng nián yīn mái lǒng zhào de tiān kōng yì bān huī àn,
[00:48.92] què yíng qiān lěi wàn,
[00:51.78] dāng dì rén dōu bù xū fèi xīn cǎi xié,
[00:54.31] děng zhe zhēn zhū chōng shàng àn jiù hǎo.
[00:59.57] gǔ luó mǎ lì shǐ xué jiā céng rèn wéi,
[01:01.72] bù liè diān ní yà yuǎn zài shì jiè zhī duān.
[01:04.89] dàn shì shí shàng, tā zhǐ shì zài luó mǎ shì jiè de biān yuán,
[01:06.69] qiě bìng fēi wèi kāi huà de mán yí zhī dì.
[01:09.90] jiǎ shǐ zhèi xiē zuò jiā kě yǐ chuān yuè shí kōng,
[01:13.11] yóu lì zhì bù liè diān zuì běi duān
[01:16.83] rú jīn de ào kè ní qún dǎo,
[01:19.51] lìng tā men chēng mù jié shé de jiāng bù jǐn shì jīn shān yín hǎi,
[01:23.67] hái yǒu zhè lǐ wú yí zǎo yú luó mǎ shù qiān nián de wén míng de yí jī