
歌曲 Beginnings英国起源(10)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC英国史


[00:00.660] Will probably not. Sooner or later they would have noticed that the top of the head is sliced off, scooped out.
[00:07.567] Like a boiled egg of breakfast, to hold sacrificial offerings.
[00:12.034] And then they would have remembered stories of Rome told about the grisly brutality of the Druids.
[00:19.148] Perhaps they would have even taken note of the stories told by the northern savages themselves.
[00:25.164] Of decapitated heads who were said to speak mournfully to those who had parted them from the rest of their body
[00:32.904] Warning of vengeance to come.
[00:35.748] And then they would have thought, "Well, perhaps not."
[00:39.317] "Perhaps we don't want to have much to do with an island of talking heads." "
[00:53.521] So why did the Romans come here
[00:55.700] to the edge of the world, and run the gauntlet of all these ominous totems?
[01:02.354] Well, it was the lure of treasure, of course, all those pearls that Tacitus was convinced lay around Britain in heaps.
[01:09.338] But even more seductive was what Roman generals craved the most
[01:14.038] the prestige given to those who pacified the barbarian frontier.
[01:20.504] And so, in the written annals of Western history
[01:23.437] the islands now had not only a name, Britannia, but a date.
[01:28.858] In 55 BC Julius Caesar launched his galleys across the Channel.
[01:39.499] Julius Caesar must have supposed that all he had to do was land his legions in force and the Britons.
[01:47.473] Just cowed by the spectacle all of the glittering helmets and eagle standards.
[01:51.903] Would simply queue up to surrender.
[01:55.007] They would understand that history always fought on the side of Rome. Trouble was, geography didn't.


[00:00.660] dà gài bú huì, yīn wèi tā men zhōng huì zhù yì dào, diāo xiàng de tóu dǐng chù bèi qiē kāi wā diào le.
[00:07.567] rú tóng yī kē zhǔ dàn, zhuān wèi fàng zhì jì sì pǐn ér shè.
[00:12.034] ér suí hòu, tā men yě xǔ huì yì qǐ luó mǎ rén kǒu zhōng de dé lǔ yī jiào shì hé děng bào nüè cán rěn.
[00:19.148] huò xǔ tā men shèn zhì huì zhù yì dào, běi fāng mán zú qīn kǒu jiǎng shù de gù shì.
[00:25.164] bèi kǎn xià de tóu lú bēi qī dì xiàng ràng tā men shēn shǒu yì chù de guì zǐ shǒu āi háo zhe
[00:32.904] jǐng shì zhe fù chóu jí jiāng dào lái.
[00:35.748] ér hòu tā men dà gài huì xiǎng " yīng gāi bù suàn yì shù pǐn".
[00:39.317] wǒ men kě bù xiǎng yǔ biàn bù zhe huì shuō huà tóu lú de dǎo yǒu rèn hé guā gé".
[00:53.521] nà me, jiū jìng shì shén me qū shǐ luó mǎ rén yǐ shēn fàn xiǎn
[00:55.700] lái dào zhè mǎn bù bù xiáng tú téng de shì jiè zhī duān dì ne?
[01:02.354] dāng rán shào bù liǎo duì bǎo zàng de kě wàng. tǎ xī tuó suǒ jiān xìn de nà yíng qiān lěi wàn de cái fù.
[01:09.338] dàn gèng jù mèi lì tóng shí luó mǎ jiāng jūn
[01:14.038] zuì kě wàng de shì píng dìng mán yí kāi jiāng kuò tǔ dài lái de wú xiàn róng yào.
[01:20.504] yīn cǐ, zài xī fāng biān nián shǐ zhōng
[01:23.437] bù liè diān ní yà yǐ bù jǐn shì dǎo yǔ de míng zì, hái biāo kè zhe yí gè nián dài.
[01:28.858] gōng yuán qián 55 nián, kǎi sǎ dà dì dài bīng héng chuān yīng jí lì hǎi xiá.
[01:39.499] kǎi sǎ dà dì dìng shì rèn wéi tā zhǐ xū dài lǐng dà pī luó mǎ jūn tuán dēng lù.
[01:47.473] yào yǎn de kǎi jiǎ yǔ wēi wǔ de yīng qí, zì huì ràng bù liè diān rén wén fēng sàng dǎn.
[01:51.903] bù fèi chuī huī zhī lì biàn néng ràng tā men liè duì tóu xiáng.
[01:55.007] luó mǎ rén zì zhī zì jǐ zhàn jǐn tiān shí, què wèi liào dào tā men háo wú dì lì zhī biàn.