
歌曲 Beginnings英国起源(11)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC英国史


[00:01.609] Not once but twice, Julius Caesar's plans were sabotaged
[00:07.022] by that perennial secret weapon of the British, the weather.
[00:10.775] On the first go-round in 55 BC, a cavalry transport which had already missed the high tide and got itself four days late,
[00:19.148] Finally got going only to run directly into a storm and be blown right back to Gaul.
[00:29.137] A century later, Claudius, the club-foot stammerer,
[00:32.756] On the face of it, the most unlikely conqueror of all, was determined to get it right.
[00:39.277] If it was going to be done at all Claudius reckoned, it had to be done in such massive force that
[00:44.585] there was no chance of repeating the embarrassments of Julius.
[00:49.026] So Claudius's invasion force was immense, some 40,000 troops.
[00:54.668] The kind of army which could barely be conceived of, much less,encountered in Iron Age Britain.
[01:02.536] Claudius did succeed where Julius Caesar had failed, through a brilliant strategy of carrot and stick.
[01:13.953] Yes, he would seize the largely undefended oppida or towns and strike at the heart of the British aristocracy
[01:20.997] its places of status, prestige and worship.
[01:26.232] But for those chieftains, sensible enough to reach for the olive branch rather than the battle javelin
[01:32.210] Claudius had another plan.
[01:34.415] Give them, or rather their sons
[01:36.149] a trip to Rome, and a taste of the dolce vita, and just watch their resistance melt.
[01:46.296] While they were in Rome, many of them must have begun to notice that life for your average patrician was well, exceptionally sweet.


[00:01.609] Not once but twice, Julius Caesar' s plans were sabotaged
[00:07.022] by that perennial secret weapon of the British, the weather.
[00:10.775] On the first goround in 55 BC, a cavalry transport which had already missed the high tide and got itself four days late,
[00:19.148] Finally got going only to run directly into a storm and be blown right back to Gaul.
[00:29.137] A century later, Claudius, the clubfoot stammerer,
[00:32.756] On the face of it, the most unlikely conqueror of all, was determined to get it right.
[00:39.277] If it was going to be done at all Claudius reckoned, it had to be done in such massive force that
[00:44.585] there was no chance of repeating the embarrassments of Julius.
[00:49.026] So Claudius' s invasion force was immense, some 40, 000 troops.
[00:54.668] The kind of army which could barely be conceived of, much less, encountered in Iron Age Britain.
[01:02.536] Claudius did succeed where Julius Caesar had failed, through a brilliant strategy of carrot and stick.
[01:13.953] Yes, he would seize the largely undefended oppida or towns and strike at the heart of the British aristocracy
[01:20.997] its places of status, prestige and worship.
[01:26.232] But for those chieftains, sensible enough to reach for the olive branch rather than the battle javelin
[01:32.210] Claudius had another plan.
[01:34.415] Give them, or rather their sons
[01:36.149] a trip to Rome, and a taste of the dolce vita, and just watch their resistance melt.
[01:46.296] While they were in Rome, many of them must have begun to notice that life for your average patrician was well, exceptionally sweet.


[00:01.609] bù zhǐ yī cì ér shì liǎng cì, kǎi sǎ dà dì de rù qīn
[00:07.022] bèi bù liè diān tiān rán de mì mì wǔ qì suǒ zǔ: tiān qì.
[00:10.775] gōng yuán qián 55 nián de shǒu cì rù qīn zhōng, yī qí bīng tuán zài cuò guò mǎn cháo de sì tiān hòu qiáng xíng dēng lù
[00:19.148] zuì zhōng juǎn rù kuáng fēng jù làng zhī zhōng, bèi pò fǎn huí gāo lú.
[00:29.137] bǎi nián zhī hòu, yí gè míng wéi kè láo dì yà sī de kǒu chī de bǒ zǐ.
[00:32.756] zhà kàn zhī xià, zuì méi yǒu kě néng de zhēng fú zhě lì zhì kāi shǐ qí zhēng fú zhī lǚ.
[00:39.277] kè láo dì yà sī àn zì cǔn duó, cǐ cì zhēng fú zhī lǚ dìng yào chū dòng dà guī mó luó mǎ bīng tuán
[00:44.585] bìng jué bù néng chóng dǎo kǎi sǎ de fù zhé.
[00:49.026] suǒ yǐ, kè láo dì yà sī jí jié qǐ sì wàn rù qīn dà jūn.
[00:54.668] shù liàng zhī páng dà chāo hū xiǎng xiàng, shì tiě qì shí dài de bù liè diān wú fǎ bǐ nǐ de.
[01:02.536] kè láo dì yà sī jué miào dì yùn yòng hú luó bo jiā dà bàng cè lüè, wán chéng le kǎi sǎ dà dì wèi wán chéng de mèng xiǎng.
[01:13.953] tā dà kě yòng bīng dàng, píng bù liè diān bù shè fáng de chéng zhèn, tòng jī bù liè diān guì zú de fù dì
[01:20.997] zhè piàn xiàng zhēng dì wèi yǔ wēi wàng, wàn rén mó bài zhī dì.
[01:26.232] rán ér, duì yú zhèi xiē bù luò qiú zhǎng, qiáng gōng yuǎn bù rú zhì qǔ
[01:32.210] kè láo dì yà sī zǎo yǐ xīn shēng tā jì.
[01:34.415] ràng tā men huò gèng zhǔn què dì shuō shì tā men de zǐ sì
[01:36.149] jǐn xiǎng yī cì luó mǎ zòng yù zhī lǚ, bì jiāng ràng qí lè bù sī shǔ.
[01:46.296] guǒ rán zài luó mǎ, tā men zhōng hěn duō rén dōu kāi shǐ yàn xiàn luó mǎ guì zú suǒ xiǎng shòu de shē huá shēng huó.