
歌曲 Conquest帝国征程(3)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC英国史


And in Britain, especially, we like to think there's something about our history, like our climate, our landscape, that's naturally moderate, not much given to earthquakes and revolutions. But there are times and places when history, British history, comes at you with a rush, violent, decisive, bloody - a truckload of trouble knocking you down, wiping out everything that gives you your bearings in the world: law, custom, loyalty and language. And this is one of those places. I know it doesn't look like the site of a national trauma, does it? Especially these days, when it looks more suitable for a county fair than a mass slaughter. But this is the battlefield of Hastings, and here one kind of England was annihilated and another kind of England was set up in its place.
特别是在不列颠,我们倾向认为自己的历史向来不乏温和,比如我们的气候与地貌,没有频发的地震或剧烈的地壳运动,但历史上,不列颠的一些地方确有这种时期。排山倒海般的剧变、暴力、果决、血腥与种种,打击与摧毁着给予人们文明举止的一切力量,法律、习俗、忠诚以及语言,这里便是其中之一。我知道这里看上去并不像民族血拼之地,不是吗? 特别是如今,这里更适于乡村赶集,而非大规模杀戮。但这里是黑斯廷斯战役的战场,英格兰的一个时代在此终结,转而开启了另一个时代。


And in Britain, especially, we like to think there' s something about our history, like our climate, our landscape, that' s naturally moderate, not much given to earthquakes and revolutions. But there are times and places when history, British history, comes at you with a rush, violent, decisive, bloody a truckload of trouble knocking you down, wiping out everything that gives you your bearings in the world: law, custom, loyalty and language. And this is one of those places. I know it doesn' t look like the site of a national trauma, does it? Especially these days, when it looks more suitable for a county fair than a mass slaughter. But this is the battlefield of Hastings, and here one kind of England was annihilated and another kind of England was set up in its place.
tè bié shì zài bù liè diān, wǒ men qīng xiàng rèn wéi zì jǐ de lì shǐ xiàng lái bù fá wēn hé, bǐ rú wǒ men de qì hòu yǔ dì mào, méi yǒu pín fā de dì zhèn huò jù liè de dì qiào yùn dòng, dàn lì shǐ shàng, bù liè diān de yī xiē dì fāng què yǒu zhè zhǒng shí qī. pái shān dǎo hǎi bān de jù biàn bào lì guǒ jué xuè xīng yǔ zhǒng zhǒng, dǎ jī yǔ cuī huǐ zhe jǐ yǔ rén men wén míng jǔ zhǐ de yī qiè lì liàng, fǎ lǜ xí sú zhōng chéng yǐ jí yǔ yán, zhè lǐ biàn shì qí zhōng zhī yī. wǒ zhī dào zhè lǐ kàn shang qu bìng bù xiàng mín zú xuè pīn zhī dì, bú shì ma? tè bié shì rú jīn, zhè lǐ gèng shì yú xiāng cūn gǎn jí, ér fēi dà guī mó shā lù. dàn zhè lǐ shì hēi sī tíng sī zhàn yì de zhàn chǎng, yīng gé lán de yí gè shí dài zài cǐ zhōng jié, zhuǎn ér kāi qǐ le lìng yí gè shí dài.