
歌曲 中古时期英国21
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC英国史


Pretty soon, though, Henry began to use his own formidable power to turn the screws on Becket's supporters. There were arraignments and arrests, terrifyingly sudden summary of evictions, the seizure of land and property. Anyone, anyone who so much as thought about saying a good word for the traitor Archbishop risked, at the very least, deportation. Messengers caught carrying his mail were thrown into prison. Innocent relatives, incriminated by family association, were turned into exiles themselves. It took two painful years of back-and-forth diplomacy and increasingly impatient signals from the Pope to arrange even talks about talks. After a series of abortive reconciliations in 1170, it looked as though peace might finally break out.


Pretty soon, though, Henry began to use his own formidable power to turn the screws on Becket' s supporters. There were arraignments and arrests, terrifyingly sudden summary of evictions, the seizure of land and property. Anyone, anyone who so much as thought about saying a good word for the traitor Archbishop risked, at the very least, deportation. Messengers caught carrying his mail were thrown into prison. Innocent relatives, incriminated by family association, were turned into exiles themselves. It took two painful years of backandforth diplomacy and increasingly impatient signals from the Pope to arrange even talks about talks. After a series of abortive reconciliations in 1170, it looked as though peace might finally break out.
dàn bù jiǔ yǐ hòu, hēng lì kāi shǐ dòng yòng zì jǐ qiáng dà de lì liàng, dǎ jī bèi kè tè de zhī chí zhě men, hěn duō rén bèi chuán xùn hé dài bǔ. yī shí jiān, qū zhú de yīn mái xí juǎn ér lái, tǔ dì hé cái chǎn bèi mò shōu. zhǐ yào yǒu rén, bù lùn shì shuí, xiǎng yào wèi pàn tú dà zhǔ jiào shuō hǎo huà, dōu huì zhì shǎo zāo dào bèi fàng zhú de wēi xié, bèi sōu dào huái chuāi tā xìn jiàn de xìn shǐ bèi sòng jìn jiān yù. wú gū de qīn shǔ, zuò wéi tóng fàn, ér bèi liú fàng tā xiāng, jīng guò liǎng nián jiū jié de fǎn fù jiāo shè. jiào huáng yě kāi shǐ yù jiā bù nài fán, shèn zhì bù xiǎng ān pái huì tán. 1170 nián, jīng guò yī xì liè shī bài de tiáo jiě, hé píng zhōng jiū jiāng bèi dǎ pò.