
歌曲 中古时期英国24
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC英国史


Mistake number two was much worse. As the King had pardoned Becket's closest followers, someone suggested that likewise Thomas might like to forgive those who had stayed loyal to the King. "It's not the same," said Becket. And it was this fanatical inability to meet half way, to let bygones be bygones, but proved to be Becket's fatal error. The last meeting between the King and Becket took place on the banks of the River Loire. And in a mood of sad friendliness the King says to Becket, "You know, if only you could do what I tell you to do, I'd entrust you with everything. No reply and one imagines a long pause, a sigh, a shrug of the shoulders and the King goes on, "Well, go in peace and we shall meet either in Rouen or in England." And then another pause and Becket comes out with something absolutely amazing. He says, "My Lord, if we part on these terms, we shall not meet again in this life." And the royal temper flares up and Henry says, "Why, do you take me for a traitor?" Meaning, "Do you suppose that I will abandon you when I've given you my protection?" And Becket looks at the King and says, "Heaven forbid."
第二个错误则更加严重,国王赦免了贝克特忠实的追随者。所以有人建议托马斯也回之以礼,宽恕那些曾经忠于国王的人。但贝克特说 "这不能相提并论"。这种极端的无法妥协,和无法释怀过去。正是贝克特犯下的致命错误,国王和贝克特之间最后一次见面是在卢瓦尔河岸。国王悲伤而友好地对贝克特说,"只要你能遵从我的意思,我仍会全心全意地信任你"。对方没有回应,沉默了好一阵后,国王叹了口气。他耸了耸肩,继续说,"好吧,你走吧。我们在鲁昂或英格兰再见吧"。接着又沉默了一会,贝克特便语出惊人。他说,"我的陛下,如果我们还是各执己见,那我们这辈子还是别见面了。"亨利二世突然大发雷霆,"为什么,你把我和叛徒相提并论吗?我已经给了你我的庇护,难道你以为我会再次抛弃你吗?"贝克特看着国王说 "但愿不会"。


Mistake number two was much worse. As the King had pardoned Becket' s closest followers, someone suggested that likewise Thomas might like to forgive those who had stayed loyal to the King. " It' s not the same," said Becket. And it was this fanatical inability to meet half way, to let bygones be bygones, but proved to be Becket' s fatal error. The last meeting between the King and Becket took place on the banks of the River Loire. And in a mood of sad friendliness the King says to Becket, " You know, if only you could do what I tell you to do, I' d entrust you with everything. No reply and one imagines a long pause, a sigh, a shrug of the shoulders and the King goes on, " Well, go in peace and we shall meet either in Rouen or in England." And then another pause and Becket comes out with something absolutely amazing. He says, " My Lord, if we part on these terms, we shall not meet again in this life." And the royal temper flares up and Henry says, " Why, do you take me for a traitor?" Meaning, " Do you suppose that I will abandon you when I' ve given you my protection?" And Becket looks at the King and says, " Heaven forbid."
dì èr gè cuò wù zé gèng jiā yán zhòng, guó wáng shè miǎn le bèi kè tè zhōng shí de zhuī suí zhě. suǒ yǐ yǒu rén jiàn yì tuō mǎ sī yě huí zhī yǐ lǐ, kuān shù nèi xiē céng jīng zhōng yú guó wáng de rén. dàn bèi kè tè shuō " zhè bù néng xiāng tí bìng lùn". zhè zhǒng jí duān dì wú fǎ tuǒ xié, hé wú fǎ shì huái guò qù. zhèng shì bèi kè tè fàn xià de zhì mìng cuò wù, guó wáng hé bèi kè tè zhī jiān zuì hòu yī cì jiàn miàn shì zài lú wǎ ěr hé àn. guó wáng bēi shāng ér yǒu hǎo dì duì bèi kè tè shuō," zhǐ yào nǐ néng zūn cóng wǒ de yì sī, wǒ réng huì quán xīn quán yì dì xìn rèn nǐ". duì fāng méi yǒu huí yìng, chén mò le hǎo yī zhèn hòu, guó wáng tàn le kǒu qì. tā sǒng le sǒng jiān, jì xù shuō," hǎo ba, nǐ zǒu ba. wǒ men zài lǔ áng huò yīng gé lán zài jiàn ba". jiē zhe yòu chén mò le yī huì, bèi kè tè biàn yǔ chū jīng rén. tā shuō," wǒ de bì xià, rú guǒ wǒ men hái shì gè zhí jǐ jiàn, nà wǒ men zhè bèi zi hái shì bié jiàn miàn le." hēng lì èr shì tū rán dà fā léi tíng," wèi shí me, nǐ bǎ wǒ hé pàn tú xiāng tí bìng lùn ma? wǒ yǐ jīng gěi le nǐ wǒ de bì hù, nán dào nǐ yǐ wéi wǒ huì zài cì pāo qì nǐ ma?" bèi kè tè kàn zhe guó wáng shuō " dàn yuàn bú huì".