
歌曲 中古时期英国37
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC英国史


A barge took his body downriver to Fontevrault Abbey. When Richard finally viewed the tomb, it's said that blood poured from the nostrils of the corpse. In fact, when Henry II died here at Chinon in 1189, hardly anyone mourned. It seems that most people were off breaking open bottles to celebrate the accession of his son, Richard, the darling of popular folklore and legend. From the very beginning, then, Coeur de Lion had won the public relations battle with his father. He was already the superstar of the dynasty. To prove it, to show that the old regime had passed, that a new glamour had arrived, Richard put on a show-stopping coronation. As if in a reverie of Camelot, he had himself dripping in gold - a golden sword, golden spurs, a golden canopy over his head.


A barge took his body downriver to Fontevrault Abbey. When Richard finally viewed the tomb, it' s said that blood poured from the nostrils of the corpse. In fact, when Henry II died here at Chinon in 1189, hardly anyone mourned. It seems that most people were off breaking open bottles to celebrate the accession of his son, Richard, the darling of popular folklore and legend. From the very beginning, then, Coeur de Lion had won the public relations battle with his father. He was already the superstar of the dynasty. To prove it, to show that the old regime had passed, that a new glamour had arrived, Richard put on a showstopping coronation. As if in a reverie of Camelot, he had himself dripping in gold a golden sword, golden spurs, a golden canopy over his head.
yī tiáo bó chuán zài zhe tā de shī tǐ, shùn liú ér xià, dǐ dá fāng dé huò xiū dào yuàn. jù shuō dāng lǐ chá zuì zhōng lái dào mù qián, shī tǐ de bí kǒng shèn zhì xiān xuè rú zhù. shí jì shang, dāng hēng lì èr shì 1189 nián yú xī nóng qù shì shí, jī hū wú rén āi dào, ér shì dōu zài kāi píng qìng zhù. hēng lì de ér zi, lǐ chá jì wèi, tā kě shì gè zhǒng mín jiān chuán shuō de chǒng ér. cóng yī kāi shǐ, shī xīn wáng zài yíng de mín xīn fāng miàn, jiù yǐ jīng shèng guò le tā de fù qīn, chéng le zhè gè wáng cháo de chāo jí míng xīng. wèi le zhèng míng zhè diǎn, xuān gào jiù zhèng quán gào yī duàn luò. xīn guāng huán yǐ rán pǔ zhào, lǐ chá jǔ xíng le shòu rén zhuī pěng de jiā miǎn diǎn lǐ, tā sì hū chén jìn zài kǎ mǐ luò tè de huàn xiǎng zhōng. kǎ mǐ luò tè, yīng guó chuán shuō zhōng yà sè wáng de gōng diàn suǒ zài, jiāng zì jǐ guǒ zài jīn guāng càn càn zhī xià, shǒu chí jīn bǎo jiàn, jiǎo tà jīn xuē cì, tóu dǐng jīn huá gài.