
歌曲 中古时期英国45
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC英国史


So if it isn't exactly the birth certificate of democracy, it is the death certificate of despotism. It spells out, for the first time, the fundamental principle for the law is not simply the will or the whim of the King. The law is an independent power unto itself, and the King could be brought to book for violating it. None of this was apparent right away. Ten weeks after Magna Carta had been signed, it was annulled by the Pope, and John went back to fight in his battles by the sword, against the rebel barons and against the first successful invasion by a King of France. For a few months in 1216, much of England was ruled by the Dauphin.


So if it isn' t exactly the birth certificate of democracy, it is the death certificate of despotism. It spells out, for the first time, the fundamental principle for the law is not simply the will or the whim of the King. The law is an independent power unto itself, and the King could be brought to book for violating it. None of this was apparent right away. Ten weeks after Magna Carta had been signed, it was annulled by the Pope, and John went back to fight in his battles by the sword, against the rebel barons and against the first successful invasion by a King of France. For a few months in 1216, much of England was ruled by the Dauphin.
nà yě zhì shǎo biāo zhì le zhuān zhì zhǔ yì de xiāo wáng, tā shǒu cì chǎn míng liǎo yī tiáo jī běn yuán zé. fǎ lǜ bù dài biǎo guó wáng de yì zhì huò qí xiǎng, fǎ lǜ dú lì cún zài, duì běn shēn fù zé. guó wáng fàn fǎ yǔ shù mín tóng zuì, dàn suǒ yǒu zhèi xiē bìng bú shì lǐ suǒ dāng rán. dà xiàn zhāng qiān shǔ shí zhōu hòu, jiù bèi jiào huáng xuān bù wú xiào. yuē hàn yě dài jūn chóng huí zhàn chǎng, zhèn yā guì zú men de fǎn pàn, tóng shí dǐ dǎng fǎ guó de shǒu cì chéng gōng rù qīn. 1261 nián de jǐ gè yuè jiān, yīng gé lán de dà bù fèn lǐng tǔ shì yóu fǎ guó wáng tài zǐ tǒng zhì.