
歌曲 帝国征程44
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC英国史


But I rather think it was a big deal. Imagine the county gentry of England - priests, squires, judges - all wiped out overnight, half of them dead, the rest humiliated, broken, replaced by an alien class. They speak differently, they look different, they take what they want when they want, and then rubber-stamp the decision in your courts. They also build differently. Ely Cathedral is one of those places where the intimate scale of Saxon churches was replaced by a statement of massive triumphalism. These columns speak of authority and raw power. They command obedience and reverence. They are, in the most literal sense, awesome.


But I rather think it was a big deal. Imagine the county gentry of England priests, squires, judges all wiped out overnight, half of them dead, the rest humiliated, broken, replaced by an alien class. They speak differently, they look different, they take what they want when they want, and then rubberstamp the decision in your courts. They also build differently. Ely Cathedral is one of those places where the intimate scale of Saxon churches was replaced by a statement of massive triumphalism. These columns speak of authority and raw power. They command obedience and reverence. They are, in the most literal sense, awesome.
dàn wǒ què rèn wéi zhè hěn zhòng yào. xiǎng xiàng yī xià, yīng gé lán gè dì de guì zú men, mù shī, xiāng shēn, fǎ guān, yī yè zhī jiān bèi tuī fān, bàn shù cǎn sǐ. xìng cún zhě zhǐ de rèn rén xiū rǔ, biàn de yī wén bù míng, dì wèi zǎo bèi wài zú tì dài. tā men shuō zhe bù tóng de yǔ yán, zhǎng zhe bù tóng de miàn kǒng. zhǐ yào xiǎng yào, tā men jiù huì duó zǒu yī qiè, zài nǐ de gōng tíng zhī nèi sì yì wàng wéi. tā men de jiàn zhù fēng gé yě jiǒng rán bù tóng, yī lǐ dà jiào táng jiù shì zhè yàng yī chù dì fāng. sā kè xùn rén jiàn zào de xiǎo xíng guī mó de jiào táng, bèi dà liàng xuān yáng bì shèng zhǔ yì de jiàn zhù suǒ qǔ dài. zhèi xiē yuán zhù xiàng zhēng le quán wēi hé yuán shǐ lì liàng, tā men shǐ rén shùn cóng, shǐ rén jìng wèi. tā men de dí què què, hěn liǎo bù qǐ.