
歌曲 帝国征程48
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC英国史


The results were presented to William here at Old Sarum, an ancient Iron Age fort inside which he'd built a spectacular royal palace. When he took hold of the Domesday Book, it was as though William had been handed the keys to the kingdom all over again, as if he'd re-conquered England, but this time statistically, because its information was more impregnable than any castle. It was called The Domesday Book, after all, because it was said that its decisions were as final as the Last Judgement. The Church itself holds Wenlock. There are 20 hides, four of which are exempt from tax under King Canute. There are 15 slaves, two mills serve the monks, plus one fishery. Enough woodland to fatten 300 pigs, and two hedged enclosures. Value now 12 pounds.
结果呈交到了待在老塞勒姆的威廉手中,在这个铁器时代的堡垒中,他建起了一座壮丽的皇家宫殿。威廉拿到《末日审判书》时,就如同他再次掌握了整个王国的命脉,就好像他又一次征服了英格兰。不过这次是数据统计之上,因为这些信息比任何城堡都要牢不可破。要知道,这本书叫《末日审判书》。威廉派出的调查员凶神恶煞,被调查者如履薄冰,如同在接受末日审判是因为,据说它的调查结果,就相当于"末日审判"的结果。教堂拥有温洛克地区,土地共有二十海茨,其中四海茨。海茨,土地面积单位在卡纽特国王统治时期免交赋税。这里有十五个奴隶,两座供养修道士的磨坊 一座渔场,三百头散养在大面积林地中的猪,还有两处围栏,现价值十二英镑。


The results were presented to William here at Old Sarum, an ancient Iron Age fort inside which he' d built a spectacular royal palace. When he took hold of the Domesday Book, it was as though William had been handed the keys to the kingdom all over again, as if he' d reconquered England, but this time statistically, because its information was more impregnable than any castle. It was called The Domesday Book, after all, because it was said that its decisions were as final as the Last Judgement. The Church itself holds Wenlock. There are 20 hides, four of which are exempt from tax under King Canute. There are 15 slaves, two mills serve the monks, plus one fishery. Enough woodland to fatten 300 pigs, and two hedged enclosures. Value now 12 pounds.
jié guǒ chéng jiāo dào le dài zài lǎo sāi lè mǔ de wēi lián shǒu zhōng, zài zhè gè tiě qì shí dài de bǎo lěi zhōng, tā jiàn qǐ le yī zuò zhuàng lì de huáng jiā gōng diàn. wēi lián ná dào mò rì shěn pàn shū shí, jiù rú tóng tā zài cì zhǎng wò le zhěng gè wáng guó de mìng mài, jiù hǎo xiàng tā yòu yī cì zhēng fú le yīng gé lán. bù guò zhè cì shì shù jù tǒng jì zhī shàng, yīn wèi zhèi xiē xìn xī bǐ rèn hé chéng bǎo dōu yào láo bù kě pò. yào zhī dào, zhè běn shū jiào mò rì shěn pàn shū. wēi lián pài chū de diào chá yuán xiōng shén è shà, bèi diào chá zhě rú lǚ bó bīng, rú tóng zài jiē shòu mò rì shěn pàn shì yīn wèi, jù shuō tā de diào chá jié guǒ, jiù xiāng dāng yú" mò rì shěn pàn" de jié guǒ. jiào táng yōng yǒu wēn luò kè dì qū, tǔ dì gòng yǒu èr shí hǎi cí, qí zhōng sì hǎi cí. hǎi cí, tǔ dì miàn jī dān wèi zài kǎ niǔ tè guó wáng tǒng zhì shí qī miǎn jiāo fù shuì. zhè lǐ yǒu shí wǔ gè nú lì, liǎng zuò gōng yǎng xiū dào shì de mò fáng yī zuò yú chǎng, sān bǎi tóu sǎn yǎng zài dà miàn jī lín dì zhōng de zhū, hái yǒu liǎng chù wéi lán, xiàn jià zhí shí èr yīng bàng.