
歌曲 帝国征程51
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC英国史


I appoint no one my heir to the crown of England for I did not attain that higher by hereditary right, but wrestled it from the perjured King Harold in a desperate battle with much effusion of human blood. I have persecuted its native inhabitants beyond all reason. Whether gentle or simple, I cruelly oppressed them. Many I unjustly disinherited. Innumerable multitudes, especially in the county of York, perished through me by famine or the sword. Having therefore made my way to the throne of that kingdom by so many crimes, I dare not leave it to anyone but God alone, lest after my death worse should happen by my means. Once he had gone, in the early hours of the morning of the 9th September, 1087, a shocking scene took place. His closest followers now paid their last respects to William by all deserting him, racing after the four corners of the kingdom to secure their land and property, leaving the corpse to be looted by the servants, naked, bloated and beginning to putrefy on the monastery floor.


I appoint no one my heir to the crown of England for I did not attain that higher by hereditary right, but wrestled it from the perjured King Harold in a desperate battle with much effusion of human blood. I have persecuted its native inhabitants beyond all reason. Whether gentle or simple, I cruelly oppressed them. Many I unjustly disinherited. Innumerable multitudes, especially in the county of York, perished through me by famine or the sword. Having therefore made my way to the throne of that kingdom by so many crimes, I dare not leave it to anyone but God alone, lest after my death worse should happen by my means. Once he had gone, in the early hours of the morning of the 9th September, 1087, a shocking scene took place. His closest followers now paid their last respects to William by all deserting him, racing after the four corners of the kingdom to secure their land and property, leaving the corpse to be looted by the servants, naked, bloated and beginning to putrefy on the monastery floor.
wǒ wèi zhǐ dìng rèn hé zǐ sì, wèi yīng gé lán wáng wèi de jì chéng zhě. yīn wèi wǒ bìng wèi huò cǐ shū róng shì xí tǒng zhì, wǒ kào zhe yī chǎng bù gù yī qiè de zhàn zhēng yǔ wú shù rén de xiān xuè, cóng bèi shì zhě hā luó dé shǒu zhōng duó guò wáng wèi. wǒ háo wú lǐ yóu dì cán hài yuán zhù mín, wú lùn shì chū shēn gāo guì hé pín jiàn, wǒ duì tā men jìn xíng le cán rěn de yā pò. wǒ bú yì dì bō duó le hěn duō rén jì chéng zǔ chǎn de quán lì, shǔ bù qīng de zǐ mín, tè bié shì yuē kè jùn de rén men, yīn wǒ ér cǎn sǐ yú tú shā yǔ jī huāng. wǒ kào zhe zhèi xiē bú yì de xíng wéi, zuì zhōng zuò shàng le guó wáng de bǎo zuò. wǒ bù gǎn jiāng wáng wèi jiāo yǔ chú shàng dì wài de rèn hé rén, yǐ miǎn wǒ sǐ hòu, wǒ suǒ zào zhī niè jì xù huò hài rén jiān. 1087 nián 9 yuè 9 rì de qīng chén, jiù zài wēi lián gāng gāng guò shì hòu, fā shēng le yī jiàn lìng rén zhèn jīng de shì jiàn, tā zuì qīn mì de zhuī suí zhě men yòng yí qì biǎo dá le tā men zuì hòu de" jìng yì". tā men bēn xiàng wáng guó gè chù qù bǎo wèi tā men zì jǐ de tǔ dì, liú xià le bèi pú rén men xǐ jié hòu de shī tǐ, zài xiū dào yuàn de dì bǎn shàng luǒ lù zhe, zhǒng zhàng zhe, màn màn kāi shǐ fǔ làn.