
歌曲 英国民族1
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC英国史


[00:06.52] In the last decades of the 13th century, the nations of Britain found their voices, loud, confident and defiant, and they were raised against England.
[00:19.32] The people of Snowdon assert that even if their prince should give over lordship of them to the English King, they would refuse to do homage to any foreigner of whose language, customs and law they were ignorant.
[00:35.13] On account of the endless perfidy of the English and to recover our native freedom, the Irish are compelled to enter a deadly war.
[00:45.31] For as long as but 100 of us remain alive, we will yield in no least way to English dominion.
[00:51.78] We fight not for glory, nor riches, nor honour, but for freedom.
[00:59.27] We know these voices. They've been with us a long time now.
[01:04.38] All the same, it's a shock to hear them this early, to discover the politics of birthplace uttered with such passion and such pain.
[01:14.11] Once said, they could not be unsaid.


[00:06.52] zài shí sān shì jì de zuì hòu jǐ shí nián lǐ, bù liè diān gè guó de mín zú yì shí kāi shǐ jué xǐng, mín zú dú lì de hū shēng yī làng gāo guò yī làng, qún qǐ fǎn kàng yīng gé lán de tǒng zhì.
[00:19.32] sī nuò dēng de rén mín jiān jué rèn wéi, jí shǐ tā men de jūn wáng xiàng yīng gé lán fǔ shǒu chēng chén, tā men yě jué bú huì xiào zhōng wài yí, bì jìng, liǎng gè mín zú zài yǔ yán fēng sú hé fǎ lǜ shàng dōu jiǒng rán xiāng yì.
[00:35.13] jiàn yú yīng gé lán lǚ cì bèi xìn qì yì, wéi zhòng huò zì yóu, ài ěr lán bù dé bù juǎn rù yī chǎng xuè yǔ xīng fēng.
[00:45.31] xuǎn zì 1320 nián ā bù luó sī xuān shì wú zhī guó mín, tǎng yī xī shàng cún, shì bù qū fú yú yīng gé lán zhī yín wēi.
[00:51.78] wú zhī zhàn dòu, bù qiú róng, bù tú lì, bù wéi yù, wéi qiú zì yóu.
[00:59.27] zhèi xiē huà wǒ men dōu ěr shú néng xiáng, tā men zǎo yǐ liú chuán qiān gǔ.
[01:04.38] jǐn guǎn rú cǐ, tīng dào lì shǐ shēn chù de gǔ rén hǎn chū hàn wèi gù tǔ de kǒu hào, ài guó zhī qíng, shāng guó zhī tòng, yī rán ràng rén zhèn jīng.
[01:14.11] cǐ yán yī chū, shì zài bì xíng.