
歌曲 英国民族11
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC英国史


Well, how did the 19-year-old Edward feel about the drastic shrinkage in the power of the crown - his crown? Well, there's no doubt, but for some time, even the prince was dazzled by the intense magnetism of Simon de Montfort's personality, and, for a while, Edward went along with it. But, inevitably, divisions opened up between the reformers. It was all very well to make the King and his officers answerable to the barons, but ought the barons to be answerable to their inferiors? De Montfort thought yes. The earls thought no. And as those divisions opened wider, the Leopard Prince began to change his spots and sharpen his claws. Now it became increasingly clear so that the struggle over who was to rule England and how they were going to do it centred on two men - Simon and Edward. Neither could prevail without the other's total defeat.
十九岁的爱德华面对手中王权的巨大削弱会作何反应,毫无疑问,有时甚至王子本人也会拜倒在西蒙·德·蒙德福特强大的人格魅力之下。在一段时期内,爱德华对其听之任之。然而,变革者自身出现了不可避免的分歧,让国王与群臣对男爵们负责固然很好。但男爵们是否该对其下属负责呢?德·蒙德福特认为是,而伯爵们认为否,当分歧继续扩大,猎豹王子就开始厉兵秣马 ,准备开战。政治形势愈发明朗化,究竟谁是这场权力的游戏的胜者?如何将对手打败?一切最终归结到两个人身上,西蒙和爱德华,这是一场生死较量,必须分出胜负。


Well, how did the 19yearold Edward feel about the drastic shrinkage in the power of the crown his crown? Well, there' s no doubt, but for some time, even the prince was dazzled by the intense magnetism of Simon de Montfort' s personality, and, for a while, Edward went along with it. But, inevitably, divisions opened up between the reformers. It was all very well to make the King and his officers answerable to the barons, but ought the barons to be answerable to their inferiors? De Montfort thought yes. The earls thought no. And as those divisions opened wider, the Leopard Prince began to change his spots and sharpen his claws. Now it became increasingly clear so that the struggle over who was to rule England and how they were going to do it centred on two men Simon and Edward. Neither could prevail without the other' s total defeat.
shí jiǔ suì de ài dé huá miàn duì shǒu zhōng wáng quán de jù dà xuē ruò huì zuò hé fǎn yìng, háo wú yí wèn, yǒu shí shèn zhì wáng zǐ běn rén yě huì bài dǎo zài xī méng dé méng dé fú tè qiáng dà de rén gé mèi lì zhī xià. zài yī duàn shí qī nèi, ài dé huá duì qí tīng zhī rèn zhī. rán ér, biàn gé zhě zì shēn chū xiàn liǎo bù kě bì miǎn de fēn qí, ràng guó wáng yǔ qún chén duì nán jué men fù zé gù rán hěn hǎo. dàn nán jué men shì fǒu gāi duì qí xià shǔ fù zé ne? dé méng dé fú tè rèn wéi shì, ér bó jué men rèn wéi fǒu, dāng fēn qí jì xù kuò dà, liè bào wáng zǐ jiù kāi shǐ lì bīng mò mǎ , zhǔn bèi kāi zhàn. zhèng zhì xíng shì yù fā míng lǎng huà, jiū jìng shuí shì zhè chǎng quán lì de yóu xì de shèng zhě? rú hé jiāng duì shǒu dǎ bài? yī qiè zuì zhōng guī jié dào liǎng gè rén shēn shàng, xī méng hé ài dé huá, zhè shì yī chǎng shēng sǐ jiào liàng, bì xū fèn chū shèng fù.