
歌曲 英国民族15
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC英国史


威尔士, 苏格兰 和爱尔兰在放弃取走他们的民族统一身份之后,统一了他们的思想,宣言要从Edward I残暴统治下独立。 苏格兰对英格兰发动战争,并请威尔士加盟一同反对他们的最高统治者。而这却导致了爱尔兰血灾。威尔士,紧接着苏格兰,一个个倒在爱德华一世的铁锤下。爱德华一世建立了自罗马以来的最强大的帝国系统。
Roman Britannia
Llywelyn ap Gruffudd
Greater Snowdonia
英式拼法, 以音频内容为准
The crown had won, but only after overcoming Kenilworth's mighty defences in a siege that lasted nine months. But Edward had been given a serious early lesson in the political realities of England. He had never gotten cringed before the barons, but he would have to make them his allies. As partners, they would go on to create an English empire of their own, the reincarnation of Roman Britannia. In 1274, Edward I's coronation finally took place in a magnificent sanctuary created by his father. The Westminster in which he was crowned would, if Edward had anything to do with it, be the capital not just of England, but of Britain. It was in Wales that Edward first made the seriousness of his ambitions, crystal clear. Here, the dominant Prince was Llywelyn ap Gruffudd, ruler of the mountainous kingdom of Gwynedd, Greater Snowdonia. Knowing that the difficult, not to say impossible terrain of his country had been the graveyard of English armies, Llywelyn was determined to resist attempts to subdue central Wales.
王权最终获得了胜利,但为了攻破凯尼尔沃思牢固的城防,围攻持续了长达九个月。爱德华早年的经历让他深刻意识到,英格兰复杂的政治形势,他不会谄媚地讨好贵族势力。但他会与他们结成同盟,让他们作为参与者 共建英格兰帝国,罗马不列颠将浴火重生。[公元43年至410 不列颠岛被罗马控制的部分] 1274年爱德华一世的加冕礼,在他父亲修建的宏丽教堂中举行,他的加冕地威斯敏斯特,不仅将成为英格兰的中心,也将成为不列颠的中心。爱德华的野心,初次显露是在威尔士,这里是卢埃林·爱普·格鲁菲兹的领土。他是格温内思这座山间王国的统治者,斯诺登的霸主深知自己这片地形复杂,易守难攻的领地。曾经是英格兰军队的死亡之地,卢埃林决心阻断,英格兰征服威尔士中部的企图。


Nations 1216 1348
wēi ěr shì, sū gé lán hé ài ěr lán zài fàng qì qǔ zǒu tā men de mín zú tǒng yī shēn fèn zhī hòu, tǒng yī liǎo tā men de sī xiǎng, xuān yán yào cóng Edward I cán bào tǒng zhì xià dú lì. sū gé lán duì yīng gé lán fā dòng zhàn zhēng, bìng qǐng wēi ěr shì jiā méng yī tóng fǎn duì tā men de zuì gāo tǒng zhì zhě. ér zhè què dǎo zhì le ài ěr lán xuè zāi. wēi ěr shì, jǐn jiē zhe sū gé lán, yí gè gè dào zài ài dé huá yī shì de tiě chuí xià. ài dé huá yī shì jiàn lì le zì luó mǎ yǐ lái de zuì qiáng dà de dì guó xì tǒng.
Roman Britannia
Llywelyn ap Gruffudd
Greater Snowdonia
yīng shì pīn fǎ, yǐ yīn pín nèi róng wéi zhǔn
The crown had won, but only after overcoming Kenilworth' s mighty defences in a siege that lasted nine months. But Edward had been given a serious early lesson in the political realities of England. He had never gotten cringed before the barons, but he would have to make them his allies. As partners, they would go on to create an English empire of their own, the reincarnation of Roman Britannia. In 1274, Edward I' s coronation finally took place in a magnificent sanctuary created by his father. The Westminster in which he was crowned would, if Edward had anything to do with it, be the capital not just of England, but of Britain. It was in Wales that Edward first made the seriousness of his ambitions, crystal clear. Here, the dominant Prince was Llywelyn ap Gruffudd, ruler of the mountainous kingdom of Gwynedd, Greater Snowdonia. Knowing that the difficult, not to say impossible terrain of his country had been the graveyard of English armies, Llywelyn was determined to resist attempts to subdue central Wales.
wáng quán zuì zhōng huò dé le shèng lì, dàn wèi le gōng pò kǎi ní ěr wò sī láo gù de chéng fáng, wéi gōng chí xù le cháng dá jiǔ gè yuè. ài dé huá zǎo nián de jīng lì ràng tā shēn kè yì shí dào, yīng gé lán fù zá de zhèng zhì xíng shì, tā bú huì chǎn mèi dì tǎo hǎo guì zú shì lì. dàn tā huì yǔ tā men jié chéng tóng méng, ràng tā men zuò wéi cān yù zhě gòng jiàn yīng gé lán dì guó, luó mǎ bù liè diān jiāng yù huǒ zhòng shēng. gōng yuán 43 nián zhì 410 bù liè diān dǎo bèi luó mǎ kòng zhì de bù fèn 1274 nián ài dé huá yī shì de jiā miǎn lǐ, zài tā fù qīn xiū jiàn de hóng lì jiào táng zhòng jǔ xíng, tā de jiā miǎn dì wēi sī mǐn sī tè, bù jǐn jiāng chéng wéi yīng gé lán de zhōng xīn, yě jiāng chéng wéi bù liè diān de zhōng xīn. ài dé huá de yě xīn, chū cì xiǎn lù shì zài wēi ěr shì, zhè lǐ shì lú āi lín middot ài pǔ middot gé lǔ fēi zī de lǐng tǔ. tā shì gé wēn nèi sī zhè zuò shān jiān wáng guó de tǒng zhì zhě, sī nuò dēng de bà zhǔ shēn zhì zì jǐ zhè piàn dì xíng fù zá, yì shǒu nán gōng de lǐng dì. céng jīng shì yīng gé lán jūn duì de sǐ wáng zhī dì, lú āi lín jué xīn zǔ duàn, yīng gé lán zhēng fú wēi ěr shì zhōng bù de qǐ tú.