
歌曲 英国民族2
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC英国史


When the Welsh, the Scots and the Irish acted on their words, the bloody wars of the British nations became inevitable. And these would not just be battles about territories. They were battles for ideas, ideas what a sovereign nation should be. An extension of the ruler's will or something wider, something involving the people as well as the prince, something called "the community of the realm". Those battles would be fought between the peoples of Britain. Welshmen would die in Scotland. Scotsmen would perish in Ireland. The English would kill and be killed everywhere. For the fight to the death between princes and principles, the battle for the making of a nation would begin in the very heart of England.


When the Welsh, the Scots and the Irish acted on their words, the bloody wars of the British nations became inevitable. And these would not just be battles about territories. They were battles for ideas, ideas what a sovereign nation should be. An extension of the ruler' s will or something wider, something involving the people as well as the prince, something called " the community of the realm". Those battles would be fought between the peoples of Britain. Welshmen would die in Scotland. Scotsmen would perish in Ireland. The English would kill and be killed everywhere. For the fight to the death between princes and principles, the battle for the making of a nation would begin in the very heart of England.
dāng wēi ěr shì rén, sū gé lán rén hé ài ěr lán rén, àn zhào xuān shì fèn qǐ fǎn kàng, bù liè diān zhū guó xiàn rù liǎo bù kě bì miǎn de sī shā, zhèi xiē zhàn zhēng bù jǐn jǐn shì lǐng tǔ zhī zhēng, yě shì lǐ niàn zhī zhēng, jí zhǔ quán guó jiā dào dǐ yīng gāi shì zěn yàng de, shì tǒng zhì zhě yì zhì de yán shēn, hái shì gèng guǎng yì de, yǔ jūn wáng hé rén mín dōu xī xī xiāng guān de, yě jiù shì" wáng guó shè qū". zhèi xiē zhàn zhēng shì bù liè diān gè guó jiān de zì xiāng cán shā, wēi ěr shì rén jiāng tóu lú pāo zài sū gé lán, sū gé lán rén jiāng xiān xuè sǎ zài ài ěr lán, ér yīng gé lán rén sì chù shā lù, shī shēn yě biàn bù yīng lún sān dǎo.