
歌曲 英国民族38
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC英国史


And so, in 1306, Bruce, the most politically intelligent and militarily successful figure in medieval Scottish history, did just that. He met with John Comyn, his main rival, and ended up stabbing him before the altar of Greyfriars Church in Dumfries. The murder is neither explained nor justified by it being the case of a patriot knocking off a quisling - for Comyn had been a lot more consistent in his opposition to the English than Bruce. He remained loyal to King Balliol, who still lived, and so had to be removed. Barely six weeks after he had murdered Comyn, Bruce had himself inaugurated king at Scone. Instead of unifying the Scots behind a single leader, Bruce's actions only intensified what was already a Scottish civil war, one that he initially lost.


And so, in 1306, Bruce, the most politically intelligent and militarily successful figure in medieval Scottish history, did just that. He met with John Comyn, his main rival, and ended up stabbing him before the altar of Greyfriars Church in Dumfries. The murder is neither explained nor justified by it being the case of a patriot knocking off a quisling for Comyn had been a lot more consistent in his opposition to the English than Bruce. He remained loyal to King Balliol, who still lived, and so had to be removed. Barely six weeks after he had murdered Comyn, Bruce had himself inaugurated king at Scone. Instead of unifying the Scots behind a single leader, Bruce' s actions only intensified what was already a Scottish civil war, one that he initially lost.
yīn cǐ, zài 1306 nián, bù lǔ sī, zhè wèi zài sū gé lán zhōng shì jì shǐ shàng zuì jù zhèng zhì cái gàn, wěi dà de jūn shì qí cái, shǒu xiān jiě jué le nèi bù wèn tí. tā yǔ tā de zhǔ yào duì shǒu yuē hàn kē míng jìn xíng le yī cì huì miàn. zài gé léi fú lì ěr sī jiào táng de shèng tán qián, yī dāo jié shù le tā de shēng mìng. zhè yī móu shā xíng wéi méi yǒu xiān qǐ rèn hé zhèng zhì bō lán, bèi jiǎn dān dìng xìng wèi yī cì ài guó zhě chǎn chú mài guó zéi de xíng dòng, suī rán kē míng de fǎn yīng qíng xù, shèn zhì yào bǐ bù lǔ sī gèng shèng yī chóu. dàn tā yī zhí duì shàng zài rén shì de sū gé lán wáng bèi liè ěr zhōng xīn gěng gěng, yīn cǐ chéng le bù lǔ sī de yǎn zhōng dīng. kē míng sǐ hòu jǐn jǐn liù zhōu, bù lǔ sī zài sī kāng jiā miǎn wèi wáng. bù lǔ sī de xíng wéi méi yǒu shǐ zì jǐ chéng wéi tǒng lǐng qún xióng de jūn wáng, fǎn ér jī huà le sū gé lán de nèi bù hùn zhàn jú shì, tā yī kāi shǐ jiù piān lí le zhèng què de dào lù.