
歌曲 英国民族39
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC英国史


He fled Scotland and so created a vacuum of knowledge, filled by heroic mythology - the fable of the cave and the spider, whose patience gave Robert the resolution to persevere. There was no cave, no spider, but there was something much more extraordinary - the polished noble turning himself into a guerrilla captain. For it was Robert the Bruce, not William Wallace, who wrote the book on partisan warfare. On his return, four months later, adversity now made him a great general, attacking his Scots and English foes alike. In the end, Robert the Bruce simply outlived the old king, who breathed his last fearing the worst should ever his son, Edward of Caernarfon, have to meet Robert the Bruce on the field of battle.


He fled Scotland and so created a vacuum of knowledge, filled by heroic mythology the fable of the cave and the spider, whose patience gave Robert the resolution to persevere. There was no cave, no spider, but there was something much more extraordinary the polished noble turning himself into a guerrilla captain. For it was Robert the Bruce, not William Wallace, who wrote the book on partisan warfare. On his return, four months later, adversity now made him a great general, attacking his Scots and English foes alike. In the end, Robert the Bruce simply outlived the old king, who breathed his last fearing the worst should ever his son, Edward of Caernarfon, have to meet Robert the Bruce on the field of battle.
tā bù dé bù táo lí sū gé lán, zào chéng shǐ liào kòng bái, zhǐ liú xià yī duàn yīng xióng jiā huà. nà biàn shì dòng xué zhī zhū de chuán shuō, zhī zhū de jiān chí bù xiè gěi le luó bó tè jiān chí dào dǐ de jué xīn, méi yǒu shén me dòng xué, yě méi yǒu shén me zhī zhū. dàn yǒu jiàn shì què yì yì fēi fán, zhè wèi yōu yǎ de guì zú tuō xià cháng páo chéng le yóu jī duì zhǎng, shì luó bó tè bù lǔ sī, ér fēi wēi lián huá lái shì, xiàng wǒ men yǎn yì le yóu jī zhàn de jīng suǐ. sì gè yuè hòu, tā chóng fǎn sū gé lán. nì jìng jiāng tā duàn zào chéng yī wèi wěi dà de jiāng jūn, yǒng gǎn dì xiàng sū gé lán hé yīng gé lán dí jūn xuān zhàn. zuì hòu, lǎo guó wáng hái shì bǐ luó bó tè bù lǔ sī xiān zǒu yī bù. tā sǐ qián hái yōu xīn chōng chōng, dān xīn zì jǐ de ér zi, ài dé huá èr shì, jiāng zài zhàn chǎng shàng yǔ luó bó tè bù lǔ sī dāo qiāng xiāng jiàn.