
歌曲 博物馆免费参观之危机
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC实况听力


The crowds arriving this morning says it all. Albert and June Fleming from Nottingham are amongst 600,000 extra visitors to the Natural History Museum since the government gave it the money to scrap its charges. The extra expense of admission to here would, you know, just break the camel's back, the straw that broke the camel's back. A 70% increase in visitors in one year - it has to be a good thing. The museum though isn't sure. Well, sometimes we get so many people in on a particular day that I worry they can't enjoy themselves as much because they simply can't move around the museum easily. Sometimes we find they stay for not very long, and I worry is, it's because they're not enjoying themselves very much. What's more, coping with all these extra people is expensive. The museum says it could go back to making people pay. And then there are the thousands of other museums who still have to charge. The Ironbridge Gorge Museum in Telford, it, like many other attractions, has seen people switching to the free museums. We could not possibly support this operation, without our ticket income. I would regret also not seeing this as a commercial operation. I think it, it makes us sharp, it makes us tuned into the markets out there, and as I say, the result has been, I think, a very broad-based audience for what we do here. So while MP's today said free admission had been largely a good thing, they added it couldn't be done on the cheap.
今早云集此地的人群说明了一切。自从政府给自然历史博物馆拨款并取消收费以来,参观者多出60万人。来自诺丁汉的Albert 和 June Fleming 就是其中两位。 你知道,应付这批参观者的额外开支将会是压断骆驼后背,那根击毁驼背的稻草,是致命打击。 一年内,参观者增加70%------这不得不算是件好事。然而博物馆并不确定。 哦,有时我们在特定日接待那么多人,结果我担心他们根本玩不尽心,因为他们根本无法在馆内自如走动。有时我们发现他们不会长时间逗留,而我担心的正是这点,这就是他们玩不尽兴的原因。 此外,应对这么多出来的参观者开销很大。博物馆说有可能重新回到买票参观。仍有数以千计的博物馆必须买票参观。特尔福特的铁桥谷博物馆像许多其他景点一样收费,它们看着人流转向那些免费博物馆。 嗯,除非有门票收入,我们难以支持这一举措。嗯,我也会后悔没把这视为商业运作。我认为它使我们头脑清醒,它使我们了解外国的市场,嗯,如我所说,结果是,我想,我们的所作所为要有十分雄厚的观众基础。 所以尽管下院议员今天说门票免费很大程度上曾是件大好事,但是我们补充道此举措不能在入不敷出的情况下实施。


The crowds arriving this morning says it all. Albert and June Fleming from Nottingham are amongst 600, 000 extra visitors to the Natural History Museum since the government gave it the money to scrap its charges. The extra expense of admission to here would, you know, just break the camel' s back, the straw that broke the camel' s back. A 70 increase in visitors in one year it has to be a good thing. The museum though isn' t sure. Well, sometimes we get so many people in on a particular day that I worry they can' t enjoy themselves as much because they simply can' t move around the museum easily. Sometimes we find they stay for not very long, and I worry is, it' s because they' re not enjoying themselves very much. What' s more, coping with all these extra people is expensive. The museum says it could go back to making people pay. And then there are the thousands of other museums who still have to charge. The Ironbridge Gorge Museum in Telford, it, like many other attractions, has seen people switching to the free museums. We could not possibly support this operation, without our ticket income. I would regret also not seeing this as a commercial operation. I think it, it makes us sharp, it makes us tuned into the markets out there, and as I say, the result has been, I think, a very broadbased audience for what we do here. So while MP' s today said free admission had been largely a good thing, they added it couldn' t be done on the cheap.
jīn zǎo yún jí cǐ dì de rén qún shuō míng liǎo yī qiè. zì cóng zhèng fǔ gěi zì rán lì shǐ bó wù guǎn bō kuǎn bìng qǔ xiāo shōu fèi yǐ lái, cān guān zhě duō chū 60 wàn rén. lái zì nuò dīng hàn de Albert hé June Fleming jiù shì qí zhōng liǎng wèi. nǐ zhī dào, yìng fù zhè pī cān guān zhě de é wài kāi zhī jiāng huì shì yā duàn luò tuó hòu bèi, nà gēn jī huǐ tuó bèi de dào cǎo, shì zhì mìng dǎ jī. yī nián nèi, cān guān zhě zēng jiā 70 zhè bù dé bù suàn shì jiàn hǎo shì. rán ér bó wù guǎn bìng bù què dìng. ó, yǒu shí wǒ men zài tè dìng rì jiē dài nà me duō rén, jié guǒ wǒ dān xīn tā men gēn běn wán bù jìn xīn, yīn wèi tā men gēn běn wú fǎ zài guǎn nèi zì rú zǒu dòng. yǒu shí wǒ men fā xiàn tā men bú huì zhǎng shí jiān dòu liú, ér wǒ dān xīn de zhèng shì zhè diǎn, zhè jiù shì tā men wán bù jìn xìng de yuán yīn. cǐ wài, yìng duì zhè me duō chū lái de cān guān zhě kāi xiāo hěn dà. bó wù guǎn shuō yǒu kě néng chóng xīn huí dào mǎi piào cān guān. réng yǒu shù yǐ qiān jì de bó wù guǎn bì xū mǎi piào cān guān. tè ěr fú tè de tiě qiáo gǔ bó wù guǎn xiàng xǔ duō qí tā jǐng diǎn yí yàng shōu fèi, tā men kàn zhe rén liú zhuǎn xiàng nèi xiē miǎn fèi bó wù guǎn. , chú fēi yǒu mén piào shōu rù, wǒ men nán yǐ zhī chí zhè yī jǔ cuò. , wǒ yě huì hòu huǐ méi bǎ zhè shì wéi shāng yè yùn zuò. wǒ rèn wéi tā shǐ wǒ men tóu nǎo qīng xǐng, tā shǐ wǒ men liǎo jiě wài guó de shì chǎng, , rú wǒ suǒ shuō, jié guǒ shì, wǒ xiǎng, wǒ men de suǒ zuò suǒ wéi yào yǒu shí fēn xióng hòu de guān zhòng jī chǔ. suǒ yǐ jǐn guǎn xià yuàn yì yuán jīn tiān shuō mén piào miǎn fèi hěn dà chéng dù shàng céng shì jiàn dà hǎo shì, dàn shì wǒ men bǔ chōng dào cǐ jǔ cuò bù néng zài rù bù fū chū de qíng kuàng xià shí shī.