
歌曲 超市威胁小店
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC实况听力


Eileen Tothill has been going to her local shopping in Devizes in Wiltshire almost every day for years. She picks up a paper and a bit of gossip with her groceries, and if she's too ill for the short walk, the shop will deliver. It's very convenient actually. Without it I would be lost, because with my handicaps I can't, I couldn't walk into town, and so of course coming here is absolutely marvellous. That's music to the ears of the man who's owned this shop for 30 years. What have you done to sort of try and stay ahead of the game with the shop? Well, in a small community like this, you've got to keep being innovative. Ray Parsons rents out videos, delivers wine to customers, and he even bakes fresh pizzas, anything to beat the supermarkets that are flooding back to the High Street. We are determined, most of us, to fight back and offer our customers every bit as good as service. We may not ever be able to always beat them on price, because of the sheer way they operate, but we can certainly beat them on service. Ray knows it's vitally keep his customers happy. Because everything he put on his shelves is also on the shelves of the competition just down the road. Tesco has a Metro store on the High Street, and Sainsbury's is about to open a local shop nearby. After abandoning the High Street of the huge, out-of-town centres, the supermarkets are now back. They want a slice of the convenient store market, it's where all the growth is now, and that could mean big changes in the way that we do our local shopping. Many of the major chains are opening shops on the High Street. Tesco already has a hundred smaller stores and plan to open 450 more over the next four years. More and more people are short of time, living in single households, and like me, are harassed working women, and therefore there's more and more demand for convenience retailing. The big supermarkets want a chunk of that demand, making life difficult for corner shops and the customers who depend on them. Jenny Scott, BBC News, Devizes.
JENNY SCOTT: Eileen Tothill 这些年来几乎天天去威尔特郡的迪韦齐斯的当地小店。她挑份报纸,和售货员闲聊几句,如果她病得走不了这几步路,小店会送货上门。 Eileen Tothill: 实际上十分便利。没了小店,我会迷茫,我因为残疾无法,也不能去城里,所以到这儿来绝对棒极了。 JENNY SCOTT: 那对经营这家小店30年的人来说,是极高的评价。 JENNY SCOTT: 你做过什么尝试让小店立于不败之地? RAY PARSONS: 哦, 在像这样的小社区,你必须不断革新。 JENNY SCOTT: Ray Parsons 出租录像,送酒上门,甚至烤新鲜比萨,做任何可以击败正涌入大街的超市的事。 RAY PARSONS: 大多数人进行反击,提供顾客一切好服务。我们决定,我们也许在价格上击败不了超市,因为他们的运作方式,但我们一定能在服务上胜过他们。 JENNY SCOTT: Ray 明白让顾客高兴至关重要。因为摆在货架上的一切东西也同样摆在马路那头的竞争对手的货架上。乐购在高街上有地铁店,Sainsbury 计划在附近开店。放弃在高街寻觅巨大的城外中心后,超市重新返回。他们抢占便利店的市场份额,因为那儿是所有经济增长点,这就意味着我们地区购物方式的巨大变化。 JENNY SCOTT: 许多大连锁店在高街上开店。乐购已有100多家小型商店,并计划在未来4年内开450余家。 WOMAN: 越来越多的人没有时间,像我这样过着单身生活的烦心不已的职业女性,因而越来越需要便利零售。 JENNY SCOTT: 大超市想要这块大肥肉,使各街角小店和顾客们的生活艰辛。英国广播公司Jenny Scott 在迪韦齐斯的报道。


Eileen Tothill has been going to her local shopping in Devizes in Wiltshire almost every day for years. She picks up a paper and a bit of gossip with her groceries, and if she' s too ill for the short walk, the shop will deliver. It' s very convenient actually. Without it I would be lost, because with my handicaps I can' t, I couldn' t walk into town, and so of course coming here is absolutely marvellous. That' s music to the ears of the man who' s owned this shop for 30 years. What have you done to sort of try and stay ahead of the game with the shop? Well, in a small community like this, you' ve got to keep being innovative. Ray Parsons rents out videos, delivers wine to customers, and he even bakes fresh pizzas, anything to beat the supermarkets that are flooding back to the High Street. We are determined, most of us, to fight back and offer our customers every bit as good as service. We may not ever be able to always beat them on price, because of the sheer way they operate, but we can certainly beat them on service. Ray knows it' s vitally keep his customers happy. Because everything he put on his shelves is also on the shelves of the competition just down the road. Tesco has a Metro store on the High Street, and Sainsbury' s is about to open a local shop nearby. After abandoning the High Street of the huge, outoftown centres, the supermarkets are now back. They want a slice of the convenient store market, it' s where all the growth is now, and that could mean big changes in the way that we do our local shopping. Many of the major chains are opening shops on the High Street. Tesco already has a hundred smaller stores and plan to open 450 more over the next four years. More and more people are short of time, living in single households, and like me, are harassed working women, and therefore there' s more and more demand for convenience retailing. The big supermarkets want a chunk of that demand, making life difficult for corner shops and the customers who depend on them. Jenny Scott, BBC News, Devizes.
JENNY SCOTT: Eileen Tothill zhèi xiē nián lái jī hū tiān tiān qù wēi ěr tè jùn de dí wéi qí sī dí dàng dì xiǎo diàn. tā tiāo fèn bào zhǐ, hé shòu huò yuán xián liáo jǐ jù, rú guǒ tā bìng dé zǒu bù liǎo zhè jǐ bù lù, xiǎo diàn huì sòng huò shàng mén. Eileen Tothill: shí jì shang shí fēn biàn lì. méi le xiǎo diàn, wǒ huì mí máng, wǒ yīn wèi cán jí wú fǎ, yě bù néng qù chéng lǐ, suǒ yǐ dào zhè ér lái jué duì bàng jí le. JENNY SCOTT: nà duì jīng yíng zhè jiā xiǎo diàn 30 nián de rén lái shuō, shì jí gāo de píng jià. JENNY SCOTT: nǐ zuò guò shén me cháng shì ràng xiǎo diàn lì yú bù bài zhī dì? RAY PARSONS: ó, zài xiàng zhè yàng de xiǎo shè qū, nǐ bì xū bù duàn gé xīn. JENNY SCOTT: Ray Parsons chū zū lù xiàng, sòng jiǔ shàng mén, shèn zhì kǎo xīn xiān bǐ sà, zuò rèn hé kě yǐ jī bài zhèng yǒng rù dà jiē de chāo shì de shì. RAY PARSONS: dà duō shù rén jìn xíng fǎn jī, tí gōng gù kè yī qiè hǎo fú wù. wǒ men jué dìng, wǒ men yě xǔ zài jià gé shàng jī bài bù liǎo chāo shì, yīn wèi tā men de yùn zuò fāng shì, dàn wǒ men yí dìng néng zài fú wù shàng shèng guò tā men. JENNY SCOTT: Ray míng bái ràng gù kè gāo xìng zhì guān zhòng yào. yīn wèi bǎi zài huò jià shàng de yī qiè dōng xī yě tóng yàng bǎi zài mǎ lù nà tóu de jìng zhēng duì shǒu de huò jià shàng. lè gòu zài gāo jiē shàng yǒu dì tiě diàn, Sainsbury jì huà zài fù jìn kāi diàn. fàng qì zài gāo jiē xún mì jù dà de chéng wài zhōng xīn hòu, chāo shì chóng xīn fǎn huí. tā men qiǎng zhàn biàn lì diàn de shì chǎng fèn é, yīn wèi nà ér shì suǒ yǒu jīng jì zēng zhǎng diǎn, zhè jiù yì wèi zhe wǒ men dì qū gòu wù fāng shì de jù dà biàn huà. JENNY SCOTT: xǔ duō dà lián suǒ diàn zài gāo jiē shàng kāi diàn. lè gòu yǐ yǒu 100 duō jiā xiǎo xíng shāng diàn, bìng jì huà zài wèi lái 4 nián nèi kāi 450 yú jiā. WOMAN: yuè lái yuè duō de rén méi yǒu shí jiān, xiàng wǒ zhè yàng guò zhe dān shēn shēng huó de fán xīn bù yǐ de zhí yè nǚ xìng, yīn ér yuè lái yuè xū yào biàn lì líng shòu. JENNY SCOTT: dà chāo shì xiǎng yào zhè kuài dà féi ròu, shǐ gè jiē jiǎo xiǎo diàn hé gù kè men de shēng huó jiān xīn. yīng guó guǎng bō gōng sī Jenny Scott zài dí wéi qí sī de bào dào.