Good morning, listeners. Today we are very happy to invite Professor Jackson Jones to discuss the problem of bullying with us. Nice to meet you, Professor Jones. Pleased to meet you. Almost all children and young people have to cope with bullying in one form or another during their school days. Is it really a serious problem nowadays. That's true. There are many types of bullying. It can range from teasing to name calling, from spreading nasty rumors about someone to threats of intimidation or actual physical aggression. What kind of bullying is most serious? It's hard to say. There is often a fine line between some of these behaviors. What's considered gentle teasing to one child might appear as intimidation to another. Also, the effects of bullying may vary according to the personality and strengths of the "victim". Many young people have to suffer from some form of teasing and name calling, for example, on the school bus in the morning. However, some will find this more difficult to deal with than others. |