
歌曲 老爸老妈浪漫史:s01e03-9
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老爸老妈浪漫史


Barney: Ted, you're missing out on a valuable life. Listen to me...
Ted: Look, I don't need you to teach me how to live, okay? I know how to live. If you wanna go lick the Liberty Bell, just go lick it yourself.
Barney: No. It has to be the two of us.
Ted: Why? Why do you need me?
Barney: Because you're my best friend, all right? You don't have to tell me I'm yours. But the way I see it, we're a team. Without you, I'm just the dynamic uno. So, fine. If you wanna go home, then we'll go home.
Ted: Fine. We'll go lick the Liberty Bell.
Barney: Good, 'cause we're here.
I had no idea how Barney redirected the cab without me knowing, but we got out, Dana let us in, and by God, we licked the Liberty Bell. And you know what it tastes like?
Woman: What?
Ted: Freedom. No, actually it tastes like pennies.
Woman: Oh, my God. Did you guys really do that?
We really did. And that was when I realized why I hung out with Barney. I never got where I thought I wanted to go, but I always got a great story.
Barney: Ted,你就要错过人生重要的一课了。 Ted: 听着,我不需要你来教我怎么生活,我知道怎么生活。如果你想舔自由钟,自己去好了。 Barney: 不行,必须是我们两个人。 Ted: 为什么,为什么要拉上我。 Barney: 因为,你是我最好的朋友!你不一定要说我是你最好的朋友,但在我看来,我们是一队的,没有你,我只是个精力充沛的妄想狂。好吧,如果你想回家,我们就回家吧。 Ted: 好吧,我们去舔自由钟。 Barney: 很好,因为我们到了。 我不知道巴尼怎么偷偷让司机改变了方向。不过我们下了车,Dana让我们进去,我们舔了自由钟。你知道它舔起来什么感觉吗? Woman: 什么? Ted: 自由。不,说实话,舔起来和硬币一样。 Woman: 哦,天哪,你们真的那么干了。 我们真的舔了。而且我终于发现我为什么和Barney交朋友,我永远不会料到下一站是哪儿,但我总会经历一个好故事。


Barney: Ted, you' re missing out on a valuable life. Listen to me...
Ted: Look, I don' t need you to teach me how to live, okay? I know how to live. If you wanna go lick the Liberty Bell, just go lick it yourself.
Barney: No. It has to be the two of us.
Ted: Why? Why do you need me?
Barney: Because you' re my best friend, all right? You don' t have to tell me I' m yours. But the way I see it, we' re a team. Without you, I' m just the dynamic uno. So, fine. If you wanna go home, then we' ll go home.
Ted: Fine. We' ll go lick the Liberty Bell.
Barney: Good, ' cause we' re here.
I had no idea how Barney redirected the cab without me knowing, but we got out, Dana let us in, and by God, we licked the Liberty Bell. And you know what it tastes like?
Woman: What?
Ted: Freedom. No, actually it tastes like pennies.
Woman: Oh, my God. Did you guys really do that?
We really did. And that was when I realized why I hung out with Barney. I never got where I thought I wanted to go, but I always got a great story.
Barney: Ted, nǐ jiù yào cuò guò rén shēng zhòng yào de yī kè le. Ted: tīng zhe, wǒ bù xū yào nǐ lái jiào wǒ zěn me shēng huó, wǒ zhī dào zěn me shēng huó. rú guǒ nǐ xiǎng tiǎn zì yóu zhōng, zì jǐ qù hǎo le. Barney: bù xíng, bì xū shì wǒ men liǎng gè rén. Ted: wèi shí me, wèi shí me yào lā shàng wǒ. Barney: yīn wèi, nǐ shì wǒ zuì hǎo de péng yǒu! nǐ bù yí dìng yào shuō wǒ shì nǐ zuì hǎo de péng yǒu, dàn zài wǒ kàn lái, wǒ men shì yī duì de, méi yǒu nǐ, wǒ zhǐ shì gè jīng lì chōng pèi de wàng xiǎng kuáng. hǎo ba, rú guǒ nǐ xiǎng huí jiā, wǒ men jiù huí jiā ba. Ted: hǎo ba, wǒ men qù tiǎn zì yóu zhōng. Barney: hěn hǎo, yīn wèi wǒ men dào le. wǒ bù zhī dào bā ní zěn me tōu tōu ràng sī jī gǎi biàn le fāng xiàng. bù guò wǒ men xià le chē, Dana ràng wǒ men jìn qù, wǒ men tiǎn le zì yóu zhōng. nǐ zhī dào tā tiǎn qǐ lái shén me gǎn jué ma? Woman: shén me? Ted: zì yóu. bù, shuō shí huà, tiǎn qǐ lái hé yìng bì yí yàng. Woman: ó, tiān na, nǐ men zhēn de nà me gàn le. wǒ men zhēn de tiǎn le. ér qiě wǒ zhōng yú fā xiàn wǒ wèi shí me hé Barney jiāo péng yǒu, wǒ yǒng yuǎn bú huì liào dào xià yī zhàn shì nǎ ér, dàn wǒ zǒng huì jīng lì yí gè hǎo gù shì.