
歌曲 老爸老妈浪漫史:s01e05-2
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老爸老妈浪漫史


Marshall: You know what they're doing in there right now? They're watching Claire's ultrasound video. And I swear to God, even the baby looks bored.
Lily: Come on. It's not that bad. We're really starting to click with these guys. Claire and Austin just invited us to their fondue fest next Saturday night.
Marshall: Are you honestly trying to get me excited about fondue?
Lily: It's dipping stuff in hot cheese. What's not to love?
Marshall: Okay, that does sound good. But it's dipping stuff in hot cheese with boring people.
Lily: Marshall, it's time for us to grow up.
Marshall knew she was right. He had to stop acting like a kid. But not tonight. Now, our apartment was on the third floor. So I'm not sure if this part is actually true, But Uncle Marshall swears it happened.
Marshall: Taxi!
Marshall: 你知道他们现在在干嘛吗? 他们在看Claire的超声波录像带. 我发誓, 连婴儿自己都觉得无聊了. Lily: 拜托, 没那么糟糕. 我们已经开始溶入这些人了. Claire和Austin刚刚还邀请我们去参加周六晚的奶酪火锅宴 Marshall: 你是真的想让我对奶酪火锅感到兴奋吗? Lily: 把食物浸在热奶酪里有什么不让人喜欢的? Marshall: 好吧, 听起来是不错. 但是是与一群乏味的家伙把食物浸在热奶酪里... Lily: Marshall, 我们是时候成熟起来了... Marshall知道她是对的,他必须别再表现的像个小孩. 但不是今晚. 好吧, 我们的公寓在3楼, 所以不确定这部分是不是真的. 但是马修叔叔发誓,这是真正有发生的 Marshall: 计程车!


Marshall: You know what they' re doing in there right now? They' re watching Claire' s ultrasound video. And I swear to God, even the baby looks bored.
Lily: Come on. It' s not that bad. We' re really starting to click with these guys. Claire and Austin just invited us to their fondue fest next Saturday night.
Marshall: Are you honestly trying to get me excited about fondue?
Lily: It' s dipping stuff in hot cheese. What' s not to love?
Marshall: Okay, that does sound good. But it' s dipping stuff in hot cheese with boring people.
Lily: Marshall, it' s time for us to grow up.
Marshall knew she was right. He had to stop acting like a kid. But not tonight. Now, our apartment was on the third floor. So I' m not sure if this part is actually true, But Uncle Marshall swears it happened.
Marshall: Taxi!
Marshall: nǐ zhī dào tā men xiàn zài zài gàn ma ma? tā men zài kàn Claire de chāo shēng bō lù xiàng dài. wǒ fā shì, lián yīng ér zì jǐ dōu jué de wú liáo le. Lily: bài tuō, méi nà me zāo gāo. wǒ men yǐ jīng kāi shǐ róng rù zhèi xiē rén le. Claire hé Austin gāng gāng hái yāo qǐng wǒ men qù cān jiā zhōu liù wǎn de nǎi lào huǒ guō yàn Marshall: nǐ shì zhēn de xiǎng ràng wǒ duì nǎi lào huǒ guō gǎn dào xīng fèn ma? Lily: bǎ shí wù jìn zài rè nǎi lào lǐ yǒu shén me bù ràng rén xǐ huān de? Marshall: hǎo ba, tīng qǐ lái shì bù cuò. dàn shì shì yǔ yī qún fá wèi de jiā huo bǎ shí wù jìn zài rè nǎi lào lǐ... Lily: Marshall, wǒ men shì shí hòu chéng shú qǐ lái le... Marshall zhī dào tā shì duì de, tā bì xū bié zài biǎo xiàn de xiàng gè xiǎo hái. dàn bú shì jīn wǎn. hǎo ba, wǒ men de gōng yù zài 3 lóu, suǒ yǐ bù què dìng zhè bù fèn shì bú shì zhēn de. dàn shì mǎ xiū shū shū fā shì, zhè shì zhēn zhèng yǒu fā shēng de Marshall: jì chéng chē!