
歌曲 老爸老妈浪漫史:s01e05-3
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老爸老妈浪漫史


Lily: You don't do that. Unless, of course, you're chasing after somebody who's already done it, and then I think it's okay.
Robin: Well, I hate to take his side. But, come on, a winetasting? What's the big plan for next Saturday Scrabble night?
Lily: Don't check your email.
Robin: Why are you becoming this person? I heard that in college you flashed a campus tour group on a dare.
Lily: Once on a dare. The other times were just for fun. I'm not in college anymore. I'd love to go back and be that person again, but you can't move backwards.You can only go forward.
Robin: False. You can go wherever you want. I guess the question is where do you want to go.
Lily: I want to go into this club and find my fiancé.
Robin: Well, that you can't do.
Lily: You wanna bet? Follow my lead. Hey, big guy. I said, follow my lead.
Yes, please, please. Do it, do it. ...
Lily: 你不会这样做. 除非, 当然你在追某个已经这么做了的人, 那么那么我不会觉得有什么. Robin: 嗯, 我不想站在他那边. 但是拜托, 品酒会. 下周六有什么大计划 拼字游戏之夜? Lily: 别去看你的邮箱 Robin: 你为什么要变成这类人呢? 我听说你在大学时大胆的激怒了校园巡视队 Lily: 有一次是因为比胆量, 另外一次是为了好玩. 我不再是大学生了. 我很想回到那时候 做我原来的样子, 但是你不能让时间倒退 只能一直向前走 Robin: 呃, 不对, 你能到任何地方, 只要你想去. 我想问题是, 你想去哪? Lily: 我想进这个夜总会.. 找到我的未婚夫.. Robin: 嗯, 这个办不到 Lily: 要赌一下吗? 跟着我做. 嘿, 大块头.. 我说跟着我做


Lily: You don' t do that. Unless, of course, you' re chasing after somebody who' s already done it, and then I think it' s okay.
Robin: Well, I hate to take his side. But, come on, a winetasting? What' s the big plan for next Saturday Scrabble night?
Lily: Don' t check your email.
Robin: Why are you becoming this person? I heard that in college you flashed a campus tour group on a dare.
Lily: Once on a dare. The other times were just for fun. I' m not in college anymore. I' d love to go back and be that person again, but you can' t move backwards. You can only go forward.
Robin: False. You can go wherever you want. I guess the question is where do you want to go.
Lily: I want to go into this club and find my fiancé.
Robin: Well, that you can' t do.
Lily: You wanna bet? Follow my lead. Hey, big guy. I said, follow my lead.
Yes, please, please. Do it, do it. ...
Lily: nǐ bú huì zhè yàng zuò. chú fēi, dāng rán nǐ zài zhuī mǒu gè yǐ jīng zhè me zuò le de rén, nà me nà me wǒ bú huì jué de yǒu shén me. Robin: , wǒ bù xiǎng zhàn zài tā nà biān. dàn shì bài tuō, pǐn jiǔ huì. xià zhōu liù yǒu shén me dà jì huà pīn zì yóu xì zhī yè? Lily: bié qù kàn nǐ de yóu xiāng Robin: nǐ wèi shí me yào biàn chéng zhè lèi rén ne? wǒ tīng shuō nǐ zài dà xué shí dà dǎn de jī nù le xiào yuán xún shì duì Lily: yǒu yī cì shì yīn wèi bǐ dǎn liàng, lìng wài yī cì shì wèi le hǎo wán. wǒ bù zài shì dà xué shēng le. wǒ hěn xiǎng huí dào nà shí hou zuò wǒ yuán lái de yàng zi, dàn shì nǐ bù néng ràng shí jiān dào tuì zhǐ néng yī zhí xiàng qián zǒu Robin: è, bú duì, nǐ néng dào rèn hé dì fāng, zhǐ yào nǐ xiǎng qù. wǒ xiǎng wèn tí shì, nǐ xiǎng qù nǎ? Lily: wǒ xiǎng jìn zhè gè yè zǒng huì.. zhǎo dào wǒ de wèi hūn fū.. Robin: , zhè gè bàn bú dào Lily: yào dǔ yī xià ma? gēn zhe wǒ zuò. hēi, dà kuài tóu.. wǒ shuō gēn zhe wǒ zuò