
歌曲 老爸老妈浪漫史:s01e09-2
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老爸老妈浪漫史


Mother: So, Lily, when are you gonna start thinking about having a baby?
Lily: Baby? You know, I hadn't really thought about it. At all.
Actually, Aunt Lily was lying. It was all she'd been thinking about. You see, remember when she said...
Lily: Well, I just ralphed.
At that point, she was five days late. This was day six.
Lily: Yeah, I mean, I'm way too young to have a baby, right?
Mother: Oh, are you kidding? I was younger than you when I had Marcus. Beautiful 15-pound boy. Not much bigger than this turkey right here.
Lily: Oh, boy.
Now, if Lily was already uneasy about joining the Eriksen family, imagine how she felt about possibly having a 15-pound Eriksen growing inside of her.
Lily: That's a big baby, Judy.
Mother: The doctor thought he was twins.
Lily: Twins. Twins.
Mother: 那么 莉莉 你打算什么时候要个宝宝 Lily: 孩子 呃 听着. 事实上 我还没有考虑过这个问题. 一点都没有 事实上 莉莉阿姨在撒谎. 这正是她一直在考虑的问题, 记得当她说 Lily: 我刚才吐了 在那时 她的例假已经迟了5天. 今天是第6天 Lily: 我是说 对要个孩子来讲我还太年轻了 是不是 Mother: 哦 你在开玩笑. 我比你还年轻的时候就有了Marcus, 15磅的漂亮男孩, 比这个火鸡大不了多少 Lily: 哦 天哪 现在 如果说莉莉对于加入艾立克森家庭来说感到心神不安的话, 想像一下她对于怀着一个15磅的婴儿会是什么感觉 Lily: 这孩子可真够大的 Judy Mother: 医生说他是双胞胎 Lily: 双胞胎 双胞胎!


Mother: So, Lily, when are you gonna start thinking about having a baby?
Lily: Baby? You know, I hadn' t really thought about it. At all.
Actually, Aunt Lily was lying. It was all she' d been thinking about. You see, remember when she said...
Lily: Well, I just ralphed.
At that point, she was five days late. This was day six.
Lily: Yeah, I mean, I' m way too young to have a baby, right?
Mother: Oh, are you kidding? I was younger than you when I had Marcus. Beautiful 15pound boy. Not much bigger than this turkey right here.
Lily: Oh, boy.
Now, if Lily was already uneasy about joining the Eriksen family, imagine how she felt about possibly having a 15pound Eriksen growing inside of her.
Lily: That' s a big baby, Judy.
Mother: The doctor thought he was twins.
Lily: Twins. Twins.
Mother: nà me lì lì nǐ dǎ suàn shén me shí hòu yào gè bǎo bǎo Lily: hái zi è tīng zhe. shì shí shàng wǒ hái méi yǒu kǎo lǜ guò zhè gè wèn tí. yì diǎn dōu méi yǒu shì shí shàng lì lì ā yí zài sā huǎng. zhè zhèng shì tā yī zhí zài kǎo lǜ de wèn tí, jì de dāng tā shuō Lily: wǒ gāng cái tǔ le zài nà shí tā de lì jià yǐ jīng chí le 5 tiān. jīn tiān shì dì 6 tiān Lily: wǒ shì shuō duì yào gè hái zi lái jiǎng wǒ hái tài nián qīng le shì bú shì Mother: ó nǐ zài kāi wán xiào. wǒ bǐ nǐ hái nián qīng de shí hòu jiù yǒu le Marcus, 15 bàng de piào liàng nán hái, bǐ zhè gè huǒ jī dà bù liǎo duō shǎo Lily: ó tiān na xiàn zài rú guǒ shuō lì lì duì yú jiā rù ài lì kè sēn jiā tíng lái shuō gǎn dào xīn shén bù ān de huà, xiǎng xiàng yī xià tā duì yú huái zhe yí gè 15 bàng de yīng ér huì shì shén me gǎn jué Lily: zhè hái zi kě zhēn gòu dà de Judy Mother: yī shēng shuō tā shì shuāng bāo tāi Lily: shuāng bāo tāi shuāng bāo tāi!