
歌曲 老爸老妈浪漫史:s01e11-1
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老爸老妈浪漫史


Barney: People often ask me, "Barney, how is it that you're so psyched, so much of the time?"
Lily: By who? Who asks you that?
Barney: And the answer is right here. My own, personal, get-psyched mix. Now, people often think a good mix should rise and fall, but people are wrong. It should be all rise, baby. Now, prepare yourselves for an audio journey into the white-hot center of adrenaline. Bam.
Lily: It's working.
Ted: I'm definitely getting psyched.
Marshall: God. I'm reaching dangerous levels of psychage. Must do robot.
Barney: Let's do this!
Ted: Yes! Let's! Oh, driver?
Ranjit: Hello!
Barney: Hey, Ranjit! Dude, you're driving a limo now. That's awesome.
Ranjit: I've moved up in the world.
Barney: 人们常常问我"巴尼,为什么你总是这么疯狂呢?" Lily: 谁?谁这么问你的 Barney: 而答案就在这儿. 我自己混音的个人专辑:"疯起来". 大家都认为好的混音应该是有起有伏,有张有驰. 但大家都错了, 宝宝们,应该是全起全张. 现在,准备好来一场狂热至极,令肾上腺激素猛飙的音乐之旅 Lily: 很不错哦 Ted: 我真的要疯了 Marshall: 哦,妈妈呀,我快要控制不住自己了. 我要跳机器人舞 Barney: 一起来吧 Ted: 好的. 来. 司机 Ranjit: 你们好 Barney: 任基. 帅哥,你现在开豪华轿车了啊. 很厉害哦 Ranjit: 我现在是全世界最爽的人了


Barney: People often ask me, " Barney, how is it that you' re so psyched, so much of the time?"
Lily: By who? Who asks you that?
Barney: And the answer is right here. My own, personal, getpsyched mix. Now, people often think a good mix should rise and fall, but people are wrong. It should be all rise, baby. Now, prepare yourselves for an audio journey into the whitehot center of adrenaline. Bam.
Lily: It' s working.
Ted: I' m definitely getting psyched.
Marshall: God. I' m reaching dangerous levels of psychage. Must do robot.
Barney: Let' s do this!
Ted: Yes! Let' s! Oh, driver?
Ranjit: Hello!
Barney: Hey, Ranjit! Dude, you' re driving a limo now. That' s awesome.
Ranjit: I' ve moved up in the world.
Barney: rén men cháng cháng wèn wǒ" bā ní, wèi shí me nǐ zǒng shì zhè me fēng kuáng ne?" Lily: shuí? shuí zhè me wèn nǐ de Barney: ér dá àn jiù zài zhè ér. wǒ zì jǐ hùn yīn de gè rén zhuān jí:" fēng qǐ lái". dà jiā dōu rèn wéi hǎo de hùn yīn yīng gāi shì yǒu qǐ yǒu fú, yǒu zhāng yǒu chí. dàn dà jiā dōu cuò le, bǎo bǎo men, yīng gāi shì quán qǐ quán zhāng. xiàn zài, zhǔn bèi hǎo lái yī chǎng kuáng rè zhì jí, lìng shèn shàng xiàn jī sù měng biāo de yīn yuè zhī lǚ Lily: hěn bù cuò ó Ted: wǒ zhēn de yào fēng le Marshall: ó, mā mā ya, wǒ kuài yào kòng zhì bú zhù zì jǐ le. wǒ yào tiào jī qì rén wǔ Barney: yì qǐ lái ba Ted: hǎo de. lái. sī jī Ranjit: nǐ men hǎo Barney: rèn jī. shuài gē, nǐ xiàn zài kāi háo huá jiào chē le a. hěn lì hài ó Ranjit: wǒ xiàn zài shì quán shì jiè zuì shuǎng de rén le