
歌曲 老爸老妈浪漫史:s01e12-3
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老爸老妈浪漫史


Barney :If that dude can bag a nine, I gotta be able to bag, like, a 16.
Ted :What's a 16?
Barney :Those two eights right over there. Yeah.
Claudia : Hi, Ted.
Ted : Claudia.
Claudia :We just wanted to get a picture with the woman who almost ended our relationship.
Stuart :Yeah, where is she?
Ted :She couldn't make it.What's so funny?
Claudia : Plan a wedding. You'll see.
Ted :Look at that.That's how it's supposed to be.That right there.Easy. Simple.It's just not like that with Robin.It's not easy, and on some level,it has to just be easy.
Barney :Speaking of easy, bridesmaids, Ted.Bridesmaids.
Claudia :By the way, I almost forgot. We found this.
Ted :I didn't check plus one.You were right.
Barney :Of course I was right.
Ted :I'm single.Maybe that's just who I am.And you know what? I like being single.
Barney :Being single's the best.
Ted : Yeah! Stay out as late as you want.
Barney : Answer to no one.
Ted :The whole world full of endless possibilities.
Barney :Never having to go to a farmer's market.
Barney:这家伙得到了9分的妞,我就一定会得到能打16分的妞 Ted:怎么16分 Barney:那边两个8分的妞加起来啊 Ted:是哦 Claudia:嗨,泰德 Ted:克劳迪亚 Claudia:我们想和那个几乎把我们婚礼给搞砸的女孩一起合个影 Stuart:她在哪儿呢 Ted:她没来。有什么好笑的 Claudia:去筹备一个婚礼你就明白了 Ted:看看他们,就应该那个样子。就那个样子,简简单单的爱。那不像我和罗宾那么复杂,其实某种程度上来说,不简单啊。只是一定要简单对待 Barney:谈到简单...伴娘们,泰德。伴娘们 Claudia:对了,我差点忘了,找到这个了 Ted:我没选择带"家属",你说的对 Barney:我说的话当然是对的啦 Ted:我是个单身汉,也许那才是我的真正面貌。你知道吗?我喜欢单身生活 Barney:单身最棒了 Ted:你想在外面玩多久就多久 Barney:不用向谁报告 Ted:整个世界都充满着无限的可能 Barney:永远也不用被逼着去菜场买菜


Barney : If that dude can bag a nine, I gotta be able to bag, like, a 16.
Ted : What' s a 16?
Barney : Those two eights right over there. Yeah.
Claudia : Hi, Ted.
Ted : Claudia.
Claudia : We just wanted to get a picture with the woman who almost ended our relationship.
Stuart : Yeah, where is she?
Ted : She couldn' t make it. What' s so funny?
Claudia : Plan a wedding. You' ll see.
Ted : Look at that. That' s how it' s supposed to be. That right there. Easy. Simple. It' s just not like that with Robin. It' s not easy, and on some level, it has to just be easy.
Barney : Speaking of easy, bridesmaids, Ted. Bridesmaids.
Claudia : By the way, I almost forgot. We found this.
Ted : I didn' t check plus one. You were right.
Barney : Of course I was right.
Ted : I' m single. Maybe that' s just who I am. And you know what? I like being single.
Barney : Being single' s the best.
Ted : Yeah! Stay out as late as you want.
Barney : Answer to no one.
Ted : The whole world full of endless possibilities.
Barney : Never having to go to a farmer' s market.
Barney: zhè jiā huo dé dào le 9 fēn de niū, wǒ jiù yí dìng huì de dào néng dǎ 16 fēn de niū Ted: zěn me 16 fēn Barney: nà biān liǎng gè 8 fēn de niū jiā qǐ lái a Ted: shì ó Claudia: hāi, tài dé Ted: kè láo dí yà Claudia: wǒ men xiǎng hé nà gè jī hū bǎ wǒ men hūn lǐ gěi gǎo zá de nǚ hái yì qǐ hé gè yǐng Stuart: tā zài nǎ ér ne Ted: tā méi lái. yǒu shén me hǎo xiào de Claudia: qù chóu bèi yí gè hūn lǐ nǐ jiù míng bái le Ted: kàn kàn tā men, jiù yīng gāi nà gè yàng zi. jiù nà gè yàng zi, jiǎn jiǎn dān dān de ài. nà bù xiàng wǒ hé luó bīn nà me fù zá, qí shí mǒu zhǒng chéng dù shàng lái shuō, bù jiǎn dān a. zhǐ shì yí dìng yào jiǎn dān duì dài Barney: tán dào jiǎn dān... bàn niáng men, tài dé. bàn niáng men Claudia: duì le, wǒ chà diǎn wàng le, zhǎo dào zhè gè le Ted: wǒ méi xuǎn zé dài" jiā shǔ", nǐ shuō de duì Barney: wǒ shuō de huà dāng rán shì duì de la Ted: wǒ shì gè dān shēn hàn, yě xǔ nà cái shì wǒ dí zhēn zhèng miàn mào. nǐ zhī dào ma? wǒ xǐ huān dān shēn shēng huó Barney: dān shēn zuì bàng le Ted: nǐ xiǎng zài wài miàn wán duō jiǔ jiù duō jiǔ Barney: bù yòng xiàng shuí bào gào Ted: zhěng gè shì jiè dōu chōng mǎn zhe wú xiàn de kě néng Barney: yǒng yuǎn yě bù yòng bèi bī zhe qù cài chǎng mǎi cài