
歌曲 老爸老妈浪漫史:s01e14-2
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老爸老妈浪漫史


Robin : And you know what game I really miss? Battleship. I've never lost a game.
Barney : Neither have I. Of course, I cheat.
Robin : Oh, yeah. Me, too.The trick is to bend the aircraft carrier so it makes an "L."
Barney :I always just stacked the ships on top of each other.
Robin :Nice! You know,we should have a cheaters grudge match.I think I still have a...Hello. Target acquired.Hottie by the jukebox.
Barney :Oh, good eye, Scherbatsky.I got someone for you. Two o' clock.Blue shirt.
Robin :That's a woman.
Barney :Oh, my mistake. Or is it?
Robin : Let's just focus on your target.
Barney : Right.
Robin :There. I got this one.Oh, my God! I love your jeans!
A :Okay, is this a lesbian bar? Because that girl with the blue shirt just...
Robin :Oh, no. I am all about the dudes.Although, pickings are pretty slim tonight.Only hot guy here is blondie in the suit, and he's playing hard to get.
A :(LAUGHS) Really?Cause he's totally vibing me right now.Must be the jeans.
Robin :Well, jeans will only get you so far.I'm going home with him.
A :We'll see about that.
Robin:玩激光枪,让我好像回到了过去。你知道我最怀念什么游戏? 大海战,我从来没输过 Barney:我也是,当然我作弊的 Robin:哦,是的,我也是。诀窍就是,把航空母舰弯成L型 Barney:啊,我总是互相压在彼此上方 Robin:漂亮,我看,我们应该来一场骗子对骗子的比赛,我想我还……喂,发现目标,电唱机旁的那个辣妹 Barney:哦,好眼里,舍波斯基同志,我也替看到一个人,两点钟方向,蓝衬衫 Robin:那是个女人 Barney:哦,我的错,或许不是 Robin:还是注意你的目标吧 Barney:好的 Robin:好,这个我来。哦,天呐,我喜欢你的牛仔裤 A:好吧,这里是蕾丝边酒吧吗(蕾丝边:女同性恋)因为那个穿蓝衬衫的女孩 Robin:哦,不是,我只爱帅哥的,虽然今晚没什么好货色可以挑选,不过那个金发穿西装的性感男,他在那里装模作样 A:真的?他立马就完全对我有反应了,一定是因为我的牛仔裤 Robin:好吧,牛仔裤也不过就如此,我正要和他一起回家 A:希望如此


Robin : And you know what game I really miss? Battleship. I' ve never lost a game.
Barney : Neither have I. Of course, I cheat.
Robin : Oh, yeah. Me, too. The trick is to bend the aircraft carrier so it makes an " L."
Barney : I always just stacked the ships on top of each other.
Robin : Nice! You know, we should have a cheaters grudge match. I think I still have a... Hello. Target acquired. Hottie by the jukebox.
Barney : Oh, good eye, Scherbatsky. I got someone for you. Two o' clock. Blue shirt.
Robin : That' s a woman.
Barney : Oh, my mistake. Or is it?
Robin : Let' s just focus on your target.
Barney : Right.
Robin : There. I got this one. Oh, my God! I love your jeans!
A : Okay, is this a lesbian bar? Because that girl with the blue shirt just...
Robin : Oh, no. I am all about the dudes. Although, pickings are pretty slim tonight. Only hot guy here is blondie in the suit, and he' s playing hard to get.
A : LAUGHS Really? Cause he' s totally vibing me right now. Must be the jeans.
Robin : Well, jeans will only get you so far. I' m going home with him.
A : We' ll see about that.
Robin: wán jī guāng qiāng, ràng wǒ hǎo xiàng huí dào le guò qù. nǐ zhī dào wǒ zuì huái niàn shén me yóu xì? dà hǎi zhàn, wǒ cóng lái méi shū guò Barney: wǒ yě shì, dāng rán wǒ zuò bì de Robin: ó, shì de, wǒ yě shì. jué qiào jiù shì, bǎ háng kōng mǔ jiàn wān chéng L xíng Barney: a, wǒ zǒng shì hù xiāng yā zài bǐ cǐ shàng fāng Robin: piào liàng, wǒ kàn, wǒ men yīng gāi lái yī chǎng piàn zi duì piàn zi de bǐ sài, wǒ xiǎng wǒ hái wèi, fā xiàn mù biāo, diàn chàng jī páng de nà gè là mèi Barney: ó, hǎo yǎn lǐ, shě bō sī jī tóng zhì, wǒ yě tì kàn dào yí ge rén, liǎng diǎn zhōng fāng xiàng, lán chèn shān Robin: nà shi gè nǚ rén Barney: ó, wǒ de cuò, huò xǔ bú shì Robin: hái shì zhù yì nǐ de mù biāo ba Barney: hǎo de Robin: hǎo, zhè gè wǒ lái. ó, tiān nà, wǒ xǐ huān nǐ de niú zǎi kù A: hǎo ba, zhè lǐ shì lěi sī biān jiǔ bā ma lěi sī biān: nǚ tóng xìng liàn yīn wèi nà gè chuān lán chèn shān de nǚ hái Robin: ó, bú shì, wǒ zhǐ ài shuài gē de, suī rán jīn wǎn méi shén me hǎo huò sè kě yǐ tiāo xuǎn, bù guò nà gè jīn fà chuān xī zhuāng de xìng gǎn nán, tā zài nà li zhuāng mú zuò yàng A: zhēn de? tā lì mǎ jiù wán quán duì wǒ yǒu fǎn yìng le, yí dìng shì yīn wèi wǒ de niú zǎi kù Robin: hǎo ba, niú zǎi kù yě bù guò jiù rú cǐ, wǒ zhèng yào hé tā yì qǐ huí jiā A: xī wàng rú cǐ