
歌曲 老爸老妈浪漫史:s01e14-3
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老爸老妈浪漫史


Robin :That's insane.If you even thought about it for one second...
barney :But I have thought about it for three seconds, and it makes a lot of sense.We both think the marriage-commitment thing's a drag. We both want something casual and fun. And we clearly get along really well.
Robin :Wow, that actually did make a lot of sense.But what about Ted?
Barney : I checked with Ted.Hey, Ted. So now that things with you and Victoria are going pretty well I assume you're probably over all the girls you were into before, right? I take your silence as a yes,so, ergo, therefore,say I were to hook up with someone,say, I don't know, Robin,you'd be cool with that, right?
Ted : Sure, good luck with that.
Barney :Totally gave us his blessing.
Robin : Really?
Barney : Really.
Robin :So, Ted didn't care that you wanted to make a move on me?
Barney :Didn't care at all.
Robin : What?
Barney : You like Ted!
Robin : I didn't say that I liked Ted, I...
Barney : You like Ted!Wow! This is huge.
Robin :Barney, I don't like Ted.He's moved on and I'm really happy for...
Barney :Yeah, yeah. Look, are we gonna play Battleship or what?
Robin :You're not gonna tell him, are you?
Barney :No. That's the bro code. A bro doesn't tell a mutual bro that a third bro has a crush on him.Just like the third bro doesn't tell the mutual bro that the original bro went bare pickle in front of her. It's quid pro bro.
Robin :A7.
Barney :Miss
Robin:好的,你和我之间,那太荒唐了,即使你甚至有那么一秒钟有这种想法 Barney:我要是多想三秒钟,就会理智很多了,我们俩都会想婚姻义务是无聊的事情,我们俩都会想要些闲暇和乐趣,那么我们就很相处的很融洽 Robin:哇哦,那确实够理智的,但是泰德怎么办呢 Barney:我和泰德谈判过了,泰德,现在你和维克多利亚之间进展不错,我估计你对以前所有的女孩都绝缘了,是吗?我就把你的沉默当作默认了,那么我就去泡某人喽,比如说robin,你不会不爽的,对吧? Ted:当然,好运 Barney:衷心地祝福了我俩 Robin:真的? Barney:真的. Robin:那么泰德不介意你想要追我吗 Barney:根本不介意,哦,哦 Robin:怎么 Barney:你喜欢泰德 Robin:我没说我喜欢泰德 Barney:你喜欢泰德,还真搞大了 Robin:巴尼,我不喜欢泰德,他有了新恋情,我为此很高兴 Barney:是哦,是哦,看看,我们是玩大海战还是什么 Robin:你不会告诉他的,对吧 Barney:不会。"哥们"法典上说:一个哥们不能告诉一个共同的哥们有另外一个哥们喜欢他,就好像另一个哥们不会告诉那个共同的哥们开始的那个哥们在她面前出过丑一样,这是哥们平等原则 Robin:A-7 Barney:没打中


Robin : That' s insane. If you even thought about it for one second...
barney : But I have thought about it for three seconds, and it makes a lot of sense. We both think the marriagecommitment thing' s a drag. We both want something casual and fun. And we clearly get along really well.
Robin : Wow, that actually did make a lot of sense. But what about Ted?
Barney : I checked with Ted. Hey, Ted. So now that things with you and Victoria are going pretty well I assume you' re probably over all the girls you were into before, right? I take your silence as a yes, so, ergo, therefore, say I were to hook up with someone, say, I don' t know, Robin, you' d be cool with that, right?
Ted : Sure, good luck with that.
Barney : Totally gave us his blessing.
Robin : Really?
Barney : Really.
Robin : So, Ted didn' t care that you wanted to make a move on me?
Barney : Didn' t care at all.
Robin : What?
Barney : You like Ted!
Robin : I didn' t say that I liked Ted, I...
Barney : You like Ted! Wow! This is huge.
Robin : Barney, I don' t like Ted. He' s moved on and I' m really happy for...
Barney : Yeah, yeah. Look, are we gonna play Battleship or what?
Robin : You' re not gonna tell him, are you?
Barney : No. That' s the bro code. A bro doesn' t tell a mutual bro that a third bro has a crush on him. Just like the third bro doesn' t tell the mutual bro that the original bro went bare pickle in front of her. It' s quid pro bro.
Robin : A7.
Barney : Miss
Robin: hǎo de, nǐ hé wǒ zhī jiān, nà tài huāng táng le, jí shǐ nǐ shèn zhì yǒu nà me yī miǎo zhōng yǒu zhè zhǒng xiǎng fǎ Barney: wǒ yào shì duō xiǎng sān miǎo zhōng, jiù huì lǐ zhì hěn duō le, wǒ men liǎ dōu huì xiǎng hūn yīn yì wù shì wú liáo de shì qíng, wǒ men liǎ dōu huì xiǎng yào xiē xián xiá hé lè qù, nà me wǒ men jiù hěn xiāng chǔ de hěn róng qià Robin: wa ó, nà què shí gòu lǐ zhì de, dàn shì tài dé zěn me bàn ne Barney: wǒ hé tài dé tán pàn guò le, tài dé, xiàn zài nǐ hé wéi kè duō lì yà zhī jiān jìn zhǎn bù cuò, wǒ gū jì nǐ duì yǐ qián suǒ yǒu de nǚ hái dōu jué yuán le, shì ma? wǒ jiù bǎ nǐ de chén mò dàng zuò mò rèn le, nà me wǒ jiù qù pào mǒu rén lóu, bǐ rú shuō robin, nǐ bú huì bù shuǎng de, duì ba? Ted: dāng rán, hǎo yùn Barney: zhōng xīn dì zhù fú le wǒ liǎ Robin: zhēn de? Barney: zhēn de. Robin: nà me tài dé bù jiè yì nǐ xiǎng yào zhuī wǒ ma Barney: gēn běn bù jiè yì, ó, ó Robin: zěn me Barney: nǐ xǐ huān tài dé Robin: wǒ méi shuō wǒ xǐ huān tài dé Barney: nǐ xǐ huān tài dé, hái zhēn gǎo dà le Robin: bā ní, wǒ bù xǐ huān tài dé, tā yǒu le xīn liàn qíng, wǒ wèi cǐ hěn gāo xìng Barney: shì ó, shì ó, kàn kàn, wǒ men shì wán dà hǎi zhàn hái shì shén me Robin: nǐ bú huì gào sù tā de, duì ba Barney: bú huì." gē men" fǎ diǎn shàng shuō: yí gè gē men bù néng gào sù yí gè gòng tóng de gē men yǒu lìng wài yí gè gē men xǐ huān tā, jiù hǎo xiàng lìng yí gè gē men bú huì gào sù nà gè gòng tóng de gē men kāi shǐ de nà gè gē men zài tā miàn qián chū guò chǒu yí yàng, zhè shì gē men píng děng yuán zé Robin: A7 Barney: méi dǎ zhòng