
歌曲 老爸老妈浪漫史:s01e16-2
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老爸老妈浪漫史


Lily : Good luck, baby.
Marshall : Bye.
Old Lady :Now, what sort of dress did you have in mind, dear?
Lily :Nothing too huge or poofy. I'm not really a girly girl. But I would like to look like a beautiful princess.
Robin : I saw a couple up front that were nice.
Old Lady : By the window? No offense, dear, but those are a little out of your price range.
Lily :Where does she get off?She doesn't know how much money I make.
Victoria :These women are experts.They can guess your net annual income just by looking at your underwear.
Lily :Damn you, Old Navy and your reasonably-priced three-packs.
Victoria : Well, at least we get free champagne.
Robin : And cake.Speaking of which, Victoria,have you decided what to do about your donut fellowship?
Victoria :You know, I don't know. I mean,I want to go, but I don't want to lose Ted.I even thought about long-distance,as if that ever works.
Lily :All talking and no sex. Kill me now.
Victoria : I know it sounds lame, but I actually think that Ted might be the one. That's pretty hard to walk away from.
Robin : Well, I don't know.I'd feel a little Stepford turning down a huge opportunity to chase some guy I'd only known two months.
Victoria :But this isn't just some guy. This is Ted.He's amazing.He's the best guy I know.
Robin :Yeah, in America. But German guys?I would let them bread my schnitzel any day, if you know what I mean
Lily:哦,好运,亲爱的 Marshall:再见 Old Lady:现在,亲爱的,你想要什么样的裙子 Lily:不要太雍容或者太華麗,我不是很愛花俏,不過我還是希望能像個漂亮的公主 Robin:我看到前面有两件不错 Old Lady:橱窗旁的?恕我无礼,亲爱的,不过那些有一点点超出你们能接受的价格了 Lily:她说什么屁话啊?她又不知道我挣多少钱 Victoria:哦,这些女人可是专家。她们能通过你的内衣,猜出你一年的纯收入 Lily:我这该死的旧蓝色短裤和廉价三点式 Victoria:最起码,我们有免费香槟可以喝 Robin:还有蛋糕。说到吃的,维克多利亚,你那个炸面包奖学金,有没有决定去啊 Victoria:我不知道啊。我是说,我想去,但是我又不想失去泰德,我甚至考虑过远距离爱情,似乎这也可行 Lily:远距离,只能聊天,不能嘿咻,那不如杀了我算了 Victoria:我知道这听起来很吐,但是我真的觉得泰德可能就是我的真命天子,确实很难舍得离开他 Robin:我不知道,我感觉就像"复制娇妻"里的那个女的,放弃一个很好的机遇去追求一个刚认识两个月的家伙 Victoria:但那不是某个什么别的家伙啊,他是泰德啊,他是那么好,我是认识的男人里最好的一个 Ted:是啊,在美国是最好的,但是在德国男人里呢?我願意讓他們每天給我的干果片撒上面包屑,明白我的意思嗎?


Lily : Good luck, baby.
Marshall : Bye.
Old Lady : Now, what sort of dress did you have in mind, dear?
Lily : Nothing too huge or poofy. I' m not really a girly girl. But I would like to look like a beautiful princess.
Robin : I saw a couple up front that were nice.
Old Lady : By the window? No offense, dear, but those are a little out of your price range.
Lily : Where does she get off? She doesn' t know how much money I make.
Victoria : These women are experts. They can guess your net annual income just by looking at your underwear.
Lily : Damn you, Old Navy and your reasonablypriced threepacks.
Victoria : Well, at least we get free champagne.
Robin : And cake. Speaking of which, Victoria, have you decided what to do about your donut fellowship?
Victoria : You know, I don' t know. I mean, I want to go, but I don' t want to lose Ted. I even thought about longdistance, as if that ever works.
Lily : All talking and no sex. Kill me now.
Victoria : I know it sounds lame, but I actually think that Ted might be the one. That' s pretty hard to walk away from.
Robin : Well, I don' t know. I' d feel a little Stepford turning down a huge opportunity to chase some guy I' d only known two months.
Victoria : But this isn' t just some guy. This is Ted. He' s amazing. He' s the best guy I know.
Robin : Yeah, in America. But German guys? I would let them bread my schnitzel any day, if you know what I mean
Lily: ó, hǎo yùn, qīn ài de Marshall: zài jiàn Old Lady: xiàn zài, qīn ài de, nǐ xiǎng yào shén me yàng de qún zi Lily: bú yào tài yōng róng huò zhě tài huá lì, wǒ bú shì hěn ài huā qiào, bù guò wǒ hái shì xī wàng néng xiàng gè piào liàng de gōng zhǔ Robin: wǒ kàn dào qián miàn yǒu liǎng jiàn bù cuò Old Lady: chú chuāng páng de? shù wǒ wú lǐ, qīn ài de, bù guò nèi xiē yǒu yì diǎn diǎn chāo chū nǐ men néng jiē shòu de jià gé le Lily: tā shuō shí mǒ pì huà a? tā yòu bù zhī dào wǒ zhēng duō shǎo qián Victoria: ó, zhèi xiē nǚ rén kě shì zhuān jiā. tā men néng tōng guò nǐ de nèi yī, cāi chū nǐ yī nián de chún shōu rù Lily: wǒ zhè gāi sǐ de jiù lán sè duǎn kù hé lián jià sān diǎn shì Victoria: zuì qǐ mǎ, wǒ men yǒu miǎn fèi xiāng bīn kě yǐ hē Robin: hái yǒu dàn gāo. shuō dào chī de, wéi kè duō lì yà, nǐ nà gè zhà miàn bāo jiǎng xué jīn, yǒu méi yǒu jué dìng qù a Victoria: wǒ bù zhī dào a. wǒ shì shuō, wǒ xiǎng qù, dàn shì wǒ yòu bù xiǎng shī qù tài dé, wǒ shèn zhì kǎo lǜ guò yuǎn jù lí ài qíng, sì hū zhè yě kě xíng Lily: yuǎn jù lí, zhǐ néng liáo tiān, bù néng hēi xiū, nà bù rú shā le wǒ suàn le Victoria: wǒ zhī dào zhè tīng qǐ lái hěn tǔ, dàn shì wǒ zhēn de jué de tài dé kě néng jiù shì wǒ de zhēn mìng tiān zǐ, què shí hěn nán shè dé lí kāi tā Robin: wǒ bù zhī dào, wǒ gǎn jué jiù xiàng" fù zhì jiāo qī" lǐ de nà gè nǚ de, fàng qì yí gè hěn hǎo de jī yù qù zhuī qiú yí gè gāng rèn shi liǎng ge yuè de jiā huo Victoria: dàn nà bú shì mǒu gè shén me bié de jiā huo a, tā shì tài dé a, tā shì nà me hǎo, wǒ shì rèn shi de nán rén lǐ zuì hǎo de yí gè Ted: shì a, zài měi guó shì zuì hǎo de, dàn shì zài dé guó nán rén lǐ ne? wǒ yuàn yì ràng tā men měi tiān gěi wǒ de gān guǒ piàn sā shàng miàn bāo xiè, míng bái wǒ de yì sī ma?