
歌曲 老爸老妈浪漫史:s01e18-1
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老爸老妈浪漫史


Older Ted :When 2:00 a. m rolls around, just go home and go to sleep, case in point.
Ted : Hello?
Robin : Hi, Ted, it's Robin.Listen, I know it's late,but do you want to come over?
Older Ted : Let's back up a little bit…
Robin :Sit.Good boys. Okay.Remember, stay out of the liquor cabinet.See you tonight. So, the life of a television reporter is very rewarding, and I strongly urge you to consider it as a career. Thank you. Yeah.
Girl : Do you have a fianc?
Lily :Marshall was here yesterday.They just learned the word "fianc?"
Robin :No, I don't have a fianc?
Girl :Then who do you live with?
Robin :Well, actually, I've got five dogs.
Girl :Don't you get lonely?
Robin :No, I've got five dogs.
Girl :My Grandma has five cats and she gets lonely.
Robin :Well, yeah, that's cats.I'm not some pathetic cat lady.Not that your grandmother is...Does anyone else have a...Yes.
Boy : Are you a lesbian?
Robin :No, are you? Just because a woman lives alone doesn't mean she's a...
Lily :Okay. Let's have a big hand for Robin the reporter!
Older Ted:当凌晨两点悄悄来临时最好回家睡觉去,举例说明: Ted:哈啰 Robin:嗨,泰德,是我罗宾。恩,听着,我知道时间不早了,不过你想过来吗 Older Ted我们往后快退一下 Robin:坐,孩子们。好的,记住不要靠近酒柜。晚上见。所以电视新闻主持人的生活 是非常不错的,我强烈建议你们考虑将来从事这个职业。谢谢你们。什么事? Girl:你有未婚夫吗? Lily:马修昨天来过,他们刚学会了未婚夫这个单词 Robin:哦,没有,我没有未婚夫 Girl:那你和谁一起生活 Robin:恩,我养了五条狗 Girl:难道你不孤独吗 Robin:不孤独,我有五条狗 Girl:我奶奶有五只猫,可是她觉得孤独 Robin:恩,那是因为养的是猫,我不是那种可怜的养猫的女人,不是说你奶奶是那种……还有谁有问……请问 Boy:你是一个蕾丝边(女同性恋)吗? Robin:不是,你是吗?就因为一个女人是单独生活,那也并不意味着她是一个蕾丝…… Lily:好了,让我们为新闻播音员罗宾致以热烈的鼓掌


Older Ted : When 2: 00 a. m rolls around, just go home and go to sleep, case in point.
Ted : Hello?
Robin : Hi, Ted, it' s Robin. Listen, I know it' s late, but do you want to come over?
Older Ted : Let' s back up a little bit
Robin : Sit. Good boys. Okay. Remember, stay out of the liquor cabinet. See you tonight. So, the life of a television reporter is very rewarding, and I strongly urge you to consider it as a career. Thank you. Yeah.
Girl : Do you have a fianc?
Lily : Marshall was here yesterday. They just learned the word " fianc?"
Robin : No, I don' t have a fianc?
Girl : Then who do you live with?
Robin : Well, actually, I' ve got five dogs.
Girl : Don' t you get lonely?
Robin : No, I' ve got five dogs.
Girl : My Grandma has five cats and she gets lonely.
Robin : Well, yeah, that' s cats. I' m not some pathetic cat lady. Not that your grandmother is... Does anyone else have a... Yes.
Boy : Are you a lesbian?
Robin : No, are you? Just because a woman lives alone doesn' t mean she' s a...
Lily : Okay. Let' s have a big hand for Robin the reporter!
Older Ted: dāng líng chén liǎng diǎn qiāo qiāo lái lín shí zuì hǎo huí jiā shuì jiào qù, jǔ lì shuō míng: Ted: hā luō Robin: hāi, tài dé, shì wǒ luó bīn. ēn, tīng zhe, wǒ zhī dào shí jiān bù zǎo le, bù guò nǐ xiǎng guò lái ma Older Ted wǒ men wǎng hòu kuài tuì yī xià Robin: zuò, hái zi men. hǎo de, jì zhù bú yào kào jìn jiǔ guì. wǎn shàng jiàn. suǒ yǐ diàn shì xīn wén zhǔ chí rén de shēng huó shì fēi cháng bù cuò de, wǒ qiáng liè jiàn yì nǐ men kǎo lǜ jiāng lái cóng shì zhè gè zhí yè. xiè xiè nǐ men. shén me shì? Girl: nǐ yǒu wèi hūn fū ma? Lily: mǎ xiū zuó tiān lái guò, tā men gāng xué huì le wèi hūn fū zhè gè dān cí Robin: ó, méi yǒu, wǒ méi yǒu wèi hūn fū Girl: nà nǐ hé shuí yì qǐ shēng huó Robin: ēn, wǒ yǎng le wǔ tiáo gǒu Girl: nán dào nǐ bù gū dú ma Robin: bù gū dú, wǒ yǒu wǔ tiáo gǒu Girl: wǒ nǎi nǎi yǒu wǔ zhǐ māo, kě shì tā jué de gū dú Robin: ēn, nà shi yīn wèi yǎng de shì māo, wǒ bú shì nà zhǒng kě lián de yǎng māo de nǚ rén, bú shì shuō nǐ nǎi nǎi shì nà zhǒng hái yǒu shuí yǒu wèn qǐng wèn Boy: nǐ shì yí gè lěi sī biān nǚ tóng xìng liàn ma? Robin: bú shì, nǐ shì ma? jiù yīn wèi yí gè nǚ rén shì dān dú shēng huó, nà yě bìng bù yì wèi zhe tā shì yí gè lěi sī Lily: hǎo le, ràng wǒ men wèi xīn wén bō yīn yuán luó bīn zhì yǐ rè liè de gǔ zhǎng