
歌曲 老爸老妈浪漫史:s01e18-2
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老爸老妈浪漫史


Ted :Going over to this other girl's house...
Victoria :And you're wondering if I'd be upset.Hi, Ted. Remember me? Your girlfriend.
Ted :Okay, relax. Robin's just a friend.
Victoria :Right. You're gonna go make some juice.
Ted :Yes, yes.Juice is perfectly harmless. In fact, it's healthy.
Victoria :Oh, yeah? Then why are you wondering what she looks like naked?
Ted :I am not...Okay, even if I am wondering that,it's only 'cause you put it in my head.
Victoria :But I am just a manifestation of your subconscious,so actually, you put it in your own head.
Ted :Damn it!Nothing's gonna happen.
Victoria : Right.
Ted : Okay, okay. You want a second opinion?Fine.
Marshall :Hey. Did she call?
Ted :No. I need a ruling.I'm... Yeah, this is stupid.It's not even a big deal,but I'm on my way over to Robin's right now.She got a new juicer. Whatever,we're gonna test it out.
Marshall :Let me call you back. Honey, there's a situation developing. Do you remember the huge secret that you told me that you weren't supposed to, but you did? The thing about Robin?
Barney :You mean, how Robin's in love with Ted?
Both : What?
Barney :Yeah. She told me already. Go on.
Marshall :Wait. So I'm the only one that she didn't tell? She told you and not me?
Barney :Well. I guess I'm just better friends with her than you are.
Marshall :Well, I'm better friends with Ted than you are.
Barney : That is a lie.
Marshall : It is not a lie.
Barney : Okay, that's it…
Ted :Come on. Pick up.Damn it, Victoria. Where are you? Pick up! Pick up!
Victoria : Cupcake?
Ted : No, thanks.Where are you? Why haven't you called?
Victoria :I'm out hooking up.With three other guys.Or maybe I'm a devoted girlfriend and I'm calling you right now.
Ted :Yeah, why do I doubt that? Hello?
Marshall : Ted. I just saw the news,and a truck carrying sulfuric acid overturned right in front of Robin's house. And it's melting through the sidewalk, you can see straight down into Hell. It's bad. You should go home, dude.
Ted :Marshall, it's fine.Nothing's gonna happen.
Marshall : Ted, what does your Mom always say?
Ted : Nothing good ever...
Marshall :Nothing good ever happens after 2:00 a.m.Go home! It's too late for juice.
Ted :Dude, Robin and I are just friends.She doesn't even like me that way.
Lily :Yes, she does! She likes you. She told me.
Ted : What?
Lily : It's a big secret.So don't tell her I told you,but she's very vulnerable right now.And you have a girlfriend. Go home, Ted.
Ted : She likes me?
Lily :Yes. So you see why it would be a very bad idea for you to go up there. Go home, Ted
Ted :She likes me?
Lily :Go home, Ted.
Ted :You're right, I'll see you at home.
Ted:但是我正在去另一个女孩家 Victoria:你在担心我是不是会因此烦恼。嗨,泰德,记得我吗,你的女朋友 Ted:ok,放松,罗宾只是一个普通朋友 Victoria:对的,你准备去榨点果汁 Ted:是的,是的!喝果汁是完全无害的。实际上,还很有益健康 Victoria:哦,是吗?那你为什么在好奇她脱光了是什么样子啊 Ted:我没有在,好吧,就算我在想那个,那也是因为你让我想起来的 Victoria:啊,不过我只是你的潜意识的一种表现而已,实际上,还是你自己想到这些的 Ted:他妈妈的!什么都不会发生的 Victoria:好的 Ted:ok,ok,你想要再听听别的意见吗? 好的 Marshall:嗨,她打电话来了吗 Ted:没有,我需要你做个裁决,我,是的,这事很蠢,也不是什么大事,但是我现在在去罗宾家的路上,她买了个新的榨汁机,管它什么,我们准备测试一下那台机器 Marshall:我等会回电话给你,亲爱的,有个棘手的问题,你还记得你以前告诉我的 那个天大秘密吗,就是那个你谁都不能告诉,但是你告诉了我的那个,那个...关于罗宾 Barney:哦,你们是说罗宾是多么的爱着泰德 Both:什么 Barney:对的,她已经告诉我了,继续 Marshall:等下,那么我是唯一一个她没广而告之的人,她告诉了你,却不是我 Barney:恩,我看对她来说,我是比你更亲近的朋友 Marshall:恩,对泰德来说,我是比你更亲近的朋友 Barney:扯淡 Marshall:这不是扯淡,ok,是扯淡,你和我都是 Ted:快啊,接电话,奶奶个熊,Victoria,你在哪里,接电话,接电话 Victoria:蛋挞 Ted:不,谢谢了,你在哪里?为什么你不打电话过来 Victoria:哦,我出门有事,嗯,和三个男的,或者也许是我是一个爱情至上的女朋友,我现在正在打电话给你 Ted:是的,为什么我会怀疑,哈啰 Marshall:泰德,我刚看了新闻,有一辆满载硫酸的超载卡车,正停在罗宾家门口,车里面的硫酸正在腐蚀车体,而且漫到了行人道上,你会看到地狱之门在那里打开了,太糟糕了,你应该回家去,帅哥 Ted:马修,没事的,没事的 Marshall:泰德,你妈一直告诫你什么的,没有好事会在凌晨两点后发生的,回家去!现在去喝果汁也太迟了 Ted:帅哥,我和罗宾只不过是朋友而已,她连喜欢都没喜欢过我 Lily:不,她喜欢你,她喜欢你,她告诉我的 Ted:什么 Lily:那是个大秘密,所以不要告诉她是我告诉你的,而且她现在春情勃发,并且你是个有女朋友的人,回家去,泰德 Ted:她,她喜欢我 Lily:是的,所以你现在明白,去她那里是个多么糟糕的主意,回家去,泰德 Ted:她喜欢我 Lily:回家去,泰德 Ted:恩,你说的对,我,恩,我们家里见


Ted : Going over to this other girl' s house...
Victoria : And you' re wondering if I' d be upset. Hi, Ted. Remember me? Your girlfriend.
Ted : Okay, relax. Robin' s just a friend.
Victoria : Right. You' re gonna go make some juice.
Ted : Yes, yes. Juice is perfectly harmless. In fact, it' s healthy.
Victoria : Oh, yeah? Then why are you wondering what she looks like naked?
Ted : I am not... Okay, even if I am wondering that, it' s only ' cause you put it in my head.
Victoria : But I am just a manifestation of your subconscious, so actually, you put it in your own head.
Ted : Damn it! Nothing' s gonna happen.
Victoria : Right.
Ted : Okay, okay. You want a second opinion? Fine.
Marshall : Hey. Did she call?
Ted : No. I need a ruling. I' m... Yeah, this is stupid. It' s not even a big deal, but I' m on my way over to Robin' s right now. She got a new juicer. Whatever, we' re gonna test it out.
Marshall : Let me call you back. Honey, there' s a situation developing. Do you remember the huge secret that you told me that you weren' t supposed to, but you did? The thing about Robin?
Barney : You mean, how Robin' s in love with Ted?
Both : What?
Barney : Yeah. She told me already. Go on.
Marshall : Wait. So I' m the only one that she didn' t tell? She told you and not me?
Barney : Well. I guess I' m just better friends with her than you are.
Marshall : Well, I' m better friends with Ted than you are.
Barney : That is a lie.
Marshall : It is not a lie.
Barney : Okay, that' s it
Ted : Come on. Pick up. Damn it, Victoria. Where are you? Pick up! Pick up!
Victoria : Cupcake?
Ted : No, thanks. Where are you? Why haven' t you called?
Victoria : I' m out hooking up. With three other guys. Or maybe I' m a devoted girlfriend and I' m calling you right now.
Ted : Yeah, why do I doubt that? Hello?
Marshall : Ted. I just saw the news, and a truck carrying sulfuric acid overturned right in front of Robin' s house. And it' s melting through the sidewalk, you can see straight down into Hell. It' s bad. You should go home, dude.
Ted : Marshall, it' s fine. Nothing' s gonna happen.
Marshall : Ted, what does your Mom always say?
Ted : Nothing good ever...
Marshall : Nothing good ever happens after 2: 00 a. m. Go home! It' s too late for juice.
Ted : Dude, Robin and I are just friends. She doesn' t even like me that way.
Lily : Yes, she does! She likes you. She told me.
Ted : What?
Lily : It' s a big secret. So don' t tell her I told you, but she' s very vulnerable right now. And you have a girlfriend. Go home, Ted.
Ted : She likes me?
Lily : Yes. So you see why it would be a very bad idea for you to go up there. Go home, Ted
Ted : She likes me?
Lily : Go home, Ted.
Ted : You' re right, I' ll see you at home.
Ted: dàn shì wǒ zhèng zài qù lìng yí gè nǚ hái jiā Victoria: nǐ zài dān xīn wǒ shì bú shì huì yīn cǐ fán nǎo. hāi, tài dé, jì de wǒ ma, nǐ de nǚ péng yǒu Ted: ok, fàng sōng, luó bīn zhǐ shì yí gè pǔ tōng péng yǒu Victoria: duì de, nǐ zhǔn bèi qù zhà diǎn guǒ zhī Ted: shì de, shì de! hē guǒ zhī shì wán quán wú hài de. shí jì shang, hái hěn yǒu yì jiàn kāng Victoria: ó, shì ma? nà nǐ wèi shí me zài hào qí tā tuō guāng le shì shén me yàng zi a Ted: wǒ méi yǒu zài, hǎo ba, jiù suàn wǒ zài xiǎng nà gè, nà yě shì yīn wèi nǐ ràng wǒ xiǎng qǐ lái de Victoria: a, bù guò wǒ zhǐ shì nǐ de qián yì shí de yī zhǒng biǎo xiàn ér yǐ, shí jì shang, hái shì nǐ zì jǐ xiǎng dào zhèi xiē de Ted: tā mā mā de! shén me dōu bú huì fā shēng de Victoria: hǎo de Ted: ok, ok, nǐ xiǎng yào zài tīng tīng bié de yì jiàn ma? hǎo de Marshall: hāi, tā dǎ diàn huà lái le ma Ted: méi yǒu, wǒ xū yào nǐ zuò gè cái jué, wǒ, shì de, zhè shì hěn chǔn, yě bú shì shén me dà shì, dàn shì wǒ xiàn zài zài qù luó bīn jiā de lù shàng, tā mǎi le gè xīn de zhà zhī jī, guǎn tā shén me, wǒ men zhǔn bèi cè shì yī xià nà tái jī qì Marshall: wǒ děng huì huí diàn huà gěi nǐ, qīn ài de, yǒu gè jí shǒu de wèn tí, nǐ hái jì de nǐ yǐ qián gào sù wǒ de nà gè tiān dà mì mì ma, jiù shì nà gè nǐ shuí dōu bù néng gào sù, dàn shì nǐ gào sù le wǒ de nà gè, nà gè... guān yú luó bīn Barney: ó, nǐ men shì shuō luó bīn shì duō me de ài zhe tài dé Both: shén me Barney: duì de, tā yǐ jīng gào sù wǒ le, jì xù Marshall: děng xià, nà me wǒ shì wéi yī yí gè tā méi guǎng ér gào zhī de rén, tā gào sù le nǐ, què bú shì wǒ Barney: ēn, wǒ kàn duì tā lái shuō, wǒ shì bǐ nǐ gèng qīn jìn de péng yǒu Marshall: ēn, duì tài dé lái shuō, wǒ shì bǐ nǐ gèng qīn jìn de péng yǒu Barney: chě dàn Marshall: zhè bú shì chě dàn, ok, shì chě dàn, nǐ hé wǒ dōu shì Ted: kuài a, jiē diàn huà, nǎi nǎi gè xióng, Victoria, nǐ zài nǎ lǐ, jiē diàn huà, jiē diàn huà Victoria: dàn tà Ted: bù, xiè xiè le, nǐ zài nǎ lǐ? wèi shí me nǐ bù dǎ diàn huà guò lái Victoria: ó, wǒ chū mén yǒu shì, , hé sān ge nán de, huò zhě yě xǔ shì wǒ shì yí gè ài qíng zhì shàng de nǚ péng yǒu, wǒ xiàn zài zhèng zài dǎ diàn huà gěi nǐ Ted: shì de, wèi shí me wǒ huì huái yí, hā luō Marshall: tài dé, wǒ gāng kàn le xīn wén, yǒu yī liàng mǎn zài liú suān de chāo zài kǎ chē, zhèng tíng zài luó bīn jiā mén kǒu, chē lǐ miàn dí liú suān zhèng zài fǔ shí chē tǐ, ér qiě màn dào le xíng rén dào shàng, nǐ huì kàn dào dì yù zhī mén zài nà li dǎ kāi le, tài zāo gāo le, nǐ yīng gāi huí jiā qù, shuài gē Ted: mǎ xiū, méi shì de, méi shì de Marshall: tài dé, nǐ mā yī zhí gào jiè nǐ shén me de, méi yǒu hǎo shì huì zài líng chén liǎng diǎn hòu fā shēng de, huí jiā qù! xiàn zài qù hē guǒ zhī yě tài chí le Ted: shuài gē, wǒ hé luó bīn zhǐ bù guò shì péng yǒu ér yǐ, tā lián xǐ huān dōu méi xǐ huān guò wǒ Lily: bù, tā xǐ huān nǐ, tā xǐ huān nǐ, tā gào sù wǒ de Ted: shén me Lily: nà shi gè dà mì mì, suǒ yǐ bú yào gào sù tā shì wǒ gào sù nǐ de, ér qiě tā xiàn zài chūn qíng bó fā, bìng qiě nǐ shì gè yǒu nǚ péng yǒu de rén, huí jiā qù, tài dé Ted: tā, tā xǐ huān wǒ Lily: shì de, suǒ yǐ nǐ xiàn zài míng bái, qù tā nà lǐ shì gè duō me zāo gāo de zhǔ yì, huí jiā qù, tài dé Ted: tā xǐ huān wǒ Lily: huí jiā qù, tài dé Ted: ēn, nǐ shuō de duì, wǒ, ēn, wǒ men jiā lǐ jiàn