
歌曲 老爸老妈浪漫史:s01e20-1
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老爸老妈浪漫史


Older Ted : Kids, about eight months into Aunt Lily and Uncle Marshall's engagement, there occurred a game-changing emergency.
Marshall : Van Smoot is available.
Lily : Oh, my God.
Older Ted : Van Smoot House was a gorgeous mansion right on the Hudson River. It had everything Marshall and Lily wanted for their wedding, but it was never available. And then, suddenly, it was.
Marshall :There was a cancellation two months from now.
Lily :You want to have our wedding in two months?No. It's impossible.
Marshall :It's Van Smoot, Lily. It's the dream.
Lily :No, there's just not enough time.There's no...Mini-vomit.
Marshall :Okay, look, look, look.I know that it's sudden, but check it.If we don't take this, guess who's on their way with a deposit check?
Lily :Todd and Valerie?
Older Ted : When you're planning a wedding, there's always one couple with similar taste that seems to be one step ahead of you,Todd and Valerie were that couple.
Marshall :We got to make a decision.Todd and Valerie are in motion.Van Smoot!
Lily :No! Kids, color!Baby, pick me.
Marshall :Come on, come on, come on.
Todd :Hello, Marshall. Lily.
Marshall :Todd. Valerie.Stairs!
Old Ted:孩子們,大約在Lily阿姨和Marshall叔叔訂婚八個月的時候發生了件緊急情況 Marshall:Van Smoot現在可以預定 Lily:噢, 我的上帝! Old Ted:Van Smoot是位于哈得孫河上的很棒的公寓,它可以滿足Marshall和Lily婚禮所有的需求,但它從來沒有空置,然后, 突然, 可以預定了 Marshall:兩個月后有一個預定被取消了 Lily:你想在兩個月內舉行婚禮?不,這不可能 Marshall:是Van Smoot, Lily,這是我們的夢! Lily:不, 沒有足夠的時間,沒有可能...迷你嘔吐 Marshall:好吧, 聽著, 聽著,我知道這太突然了,但想想 如果我們不把握機會,猜誰會去交定金? Lily:Todd和Valerie? Old Ted:當你計划婚禮時,總有一對品味相近的新人走快你一步,Todd和Valerie就是 Marshall:我們得做決定,Todd和Valerie開始行動了,Van Smoot! Lily:孩子們, 注意色彩! Lily:加油, 寶貝 Marshall:加油, 加油 Todd:好啊, Marshall,Lily Marshall:Todd,Valerie.樓梯!


Older Ted : Kids, about eight months into Aunt Lily and Uncle Marshall' s engagement, there occurred a gamechanging emergency.
Marshall : Van Smoot is available.
Lily : Oh, my God.
Older Ted : Van Smoot House was a gorgeous mansion right on the Hudson River. It had everything Marshall and Lily wanted for their wedding, but it was never available. And then, suddenly, it was.
Marshall : There was a cancellation two months from now.
Lily : You want to have our wedding in two months? No. It' s impossible.
Marshall : It' s Van Smoot, Lily. It' s the dream.
Lily : No, there' s just not enough time. There' s no... Minivomit.
Marshall : Okay, look, look, look. I know that it' s sudden, but check it. If we don' t take this, guess who' s on their way with a deposit check?
Lily : Todd and Valerie?
Older Ted : When you' re planning a wedding, there' s always one couple with similar taste that seems to be one step ahead of you, Todd and Valerie were that couple.
Marshall : We got to make a decision. Todd and Valerie are in motion. Van Smoot!
Lily : No! Kids, color! Baby, pick me.
Marshall : Come on, come on, come on.
Todd : Hello, Marshall. Lily.
Marshall : Todd. Valerie. Stairs!
Old Ted: hái zi men, dà yuē zài Lily ā yí hé Marshall shū shū dìng hūn bā gè yuè de shí hòu fā shēng le jiàn jǐn jí qíng kuàng Marshall: Van Smoot xiàn zài kě yǐ yù dìng Lily: ō, wǒ de shàng dì! Old Ted: Van Smoot shì wèi yú hā dé sūn hé shàng de hěn bàng de gōng yù, tā kě yǐ mǎn zú Marshall hé Lily hūn lǐ suǒ yǒu de xū qiú, dàn tā cóng lái méi yǒu kòng zhì, rán hòu, tū rán, kě yǐ yù dìng le Marshall: liǎng gè yuè hòu yǒu yī gè yù dìng bèi qǔ xiāo le Lily: nǐ xiǎng zài liǎng gè yuè nèi jǔ xíng hūn lǐ? bù, zhè bù kě néng Marshall: shì Van Smoot, Lily, zhè shì wǒ men de mèng! Lily: bù, méi yǒu zú gòu de shí jiān, méi yǒu kě néng... mí nǐ ǒu tǔ Marshall: hǎo ba, tīng zhe, tīng zhe, wǒ zhī dào zhè tài tū rán le, dàn xiǎng xiǎng rú guǒ wǒ men bù bǎ wò jī huì, cāi shuí huì qù jiāo dìng jīn? Lily: Todd hé Valerie? Old Ted: dāng nǐ jì huà hūn lǐ shí, zǒng yǒu yī duì pǐn wèi xiāng jìn de xīn rén zǒu kuài nǐ yī bù, Todd hé Valerie jiù shì Marshall: wǒ men dé zuò jué dìng, Todd hé Valerie kāi shǐ xíng dòng le, Van Smoot! Lily: hái zi men, zhù yì sè cǎi! Lily: jiā yóu, bǎo bèi Marshall: jiā yóu, jiā yóu Todd: hǎo a, Marshall, Lily Marshall: Todd, Valerie. lóu tī!