
歌曲 老爸老妈浪漫史:s01e20-2
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老爸老妈浪漫史


Lily :I can't believe it.We got Van Smoot House.
Marshall :It is on. It is on! Like the former Soviet Republic of
Robin :What?
Barney : You're a wonder.
Ted :Wow. You guys are getting married in two months.
Robin :How are you going to get everything done?
Lily : Division of labor.Everyone's got a job to do. So listen up.Okay, Robin, you and Ted go to the florist.
Older Ted : Robin had been mad at me since the night I slightly exaggerated my not-having-a-girlfriend-ness.
Ted :Was it...
Robin : It was your girlfriend.You might want to call her back.
Lily :Or, actually, Robin,why don't you go to the florist?And, Ted, I could use your keen architectural eye on the invitations.
Barney :Wow, that was really awkward, Lil.And still.It's still really awkward right now.Hey, what about me? What's my job?What do I get to do?
Lily :Okay, your job is very simple. At the wedding, do not sleep with anyone even remotely related to me.
Barney :Lil, you know I can't promise that.
Lily:我不敢相信,我們定到了Van Smoot公寓 Marshall:開始了,拉開序幕!就象前蘇聯共和國阿塞拜疆 Robin: 什么? Barney: 你是個奇跡 Ted:你們兩個月內就要舉行婚禮了 Robin:要怎么把一切辦妥? Lily:分工,每個人都有任務,聽好,Robin, 你和Ted去定花 Old Ted:Robin一直生我氣自從那晚我輕微的夸大了我"沒有女朋友" Ted:那是...? Robin:是你女朋友,你可能想給她回電 Lily:或者, 事實上,Robin, 你去聯系花商?然后, Ted我可以利用你建筑上敏銳的眼光...來整理邀請函 Barney:哇, 這真是尷尬啊, Lil,仍然,現在氣氛仍然很尷尬。嘿, 那我呢?我的工作是什么?我要做什么? Lily:好吧, 你的工作很簡單。在婚禮上,不要和任何與我沾親的人睡覺 Barney:Lil, 你知道我不能保証這個


Lily : I can' t believe it. We got Van Smoot House.
Marshall : It is on. It is on! Like the former Soviet Republic of
Robin : What?
Barney : You' re a wonder.
Ted : Wow. You guys are getting married in two months.
Robin : How are you going to get everything done?
Lily : Division of labor. Everyone' s got a job to do. So listen up. Okay, Robin, you and Ted go to the florist.
Older Ted : Robin had been mad at me since the night I slightly exaggerated my nothavingagirlfriendness.
Ted : Was it...
Robin : It was your girlfriend. You might want to call her back.
Lily : Or, actually, Robin, why don' t you go to the florist? And, Ted, I could use your keen architectural eye on the invitations.
Barney : Wow, that was really awkward, Lil. And still. It' s still really awkward right now. Hey, what about me? What' s my job? What do I get to do?
Lily : Okay, your job is very simple. At the wedding, do not sleep with anyone even remotely related to me.
Barney : Lil, you know I can' t promise that.
Lily: wǒ bù gǎn xiāng xìn, wǒ men dìng dào le Van Smoot gōng yù Marshall: kāi shǐ le, lā kāi xù mù! jiù xiàng qián sū lián gòng hé guó ā sāi bài jiāng Robin: shén me? Barney: nǐ shì gè qí jī Ted: nǐ men liǎng gè yuè nèi jiù yào jǔ xíng hūn lǐ le Robin: yào zěn me bǎ yī qiè bàn tuǒ? Lily: fēn gōng, měi gè rén dōu yǒu rèn wù, tīng hǎo, Robin, nǐ hé Ted qù dìng huā Old Ted: Robin yī zhí shēng wǒ qì zì cóng nà wǎn wǒ qīng wēi de kuā dà le wǒ" méi yǒu nǚ péng yǒu" Ted: nà shi...? Robin: shì nǐ nǚ péng yǒu, nǐ kě néng xiǎng gěi tā huí diàn Lily: huò zhě, shì shí shàng, Robin, nǐ qù lián xì huā shāng? rán hòu, Ted wǒ kě yǐ lì yòng nǐ jiàn zhù shàng mǐn ruì de yǎn guāng... lái zhěng lǐ yāo qǐng hán Barney: wa, zhè zhēn shì gān gà a, Lil, réng rán, xiàn zài qì fēn réng rán hěn gān gà. hēi, nà wǒ ne? wǒ de gōng zuò shì shén me? wǒ yào zuò shí mǒ? Lily: hǎo ba, nǐ de gōng zuò hěn jiǎn dān. zài hūn lǐ shàng, bú yào hé rèn hé yǔ wǒ zhān qīn de rén shuì jué Barney: Lil, nǐ zhī dào wǒ bù néng bǎo zhèng zhè gè