
歌曲 老爸老妈浪漫史:s01e20-3
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老爸老妈浪漫史


Robin :I'm going to ask you something and maybe it's crazy'cause you guys are the cutest couple ever.But are you having second thoughts?
Lily :Yeah.But not about Marshall. About me.I just keep thinking about the girl I was 10 years ago and wondering what happened to her.
Lily :I don't want to be tied down. I want to live in France and Spain and Italy and just soak up life and put it on a canvas, even if it means being a waitress in crappy cafes for five years, I don't care. I'm going to be a painter.And I can't do any of that with a boyfriend shackled around my neck, you know? But, anyway, I'm blabbering.Way to make new friends, Lily.I'm sorry. What was your name again?
Marshall :Marshall.
Lily :Nice to meet you, Marshall.Guess we're hall mates.
Marshall :Yeah.
Lily :It works.
Marshall :Violent Femmes. I love this song.
Lily : Me, too.
Lily :I didn't have any of the experiences I set out to.The travel, the bohemian art life,my big lesbian experience.I didn't do any of it.
Robin :Lily, you're marrying your best friend in the world. I mean, isn't that worth all the other experiences combined?
Lily :Yeah.
Robin :And, look, you can still travel.I mean, you can still paint.And as far as your lesbian experience...
Robin : Happy?
Lily : Yeah.So field hockey, huh?
Robin : Shut up.
Robin:我要問你個問題,也許這很瘋狂。因為你們永遠是最可愛的一對。但, 呃,你犹豫了嗎? Lily:嗯, 但不是因為Marshall,是我自己,我不停的想著十年前的自己,想著她经历了什么 Lily:我不想被綁死在一個地方,我想游居于法國, 西班牙和意大利汲取生活,然后畫在畫布上,就算得在烂咖啡館里端上五年盤子,我也不在乎,我要當個畫家。旁邊有個男朋友牽著我脖子,我就做不了這些了, 你懂嗎?但無論如何, 我話多,交朋友的方式, Lily。抱歉 ,能再說次你的名字嗎? Marshall:Marshall Lily:很高興認識你, Marshall,我們住對門。裝好了 Marshall:Violent Femmes的,我喜歡這首歌 Lily:我也是 Lily:我的人生計划一件都沒實現,旅行,波希米亞藝朮生活,我的盛大同性戀经历,我什么也沒做 Robin:Lily,你要和世界上你最好的朋友結婚了,這難道不值得用所有這些經歷換取嗎?還有, 你還是可以旅行,還是可以繪畫,至于你的同性戀經歷...開心了吧? Lily:曲棍球? Robin:閉嘴


Robin : I' m going to ask you something and maybe it' s crazy' cause you guys are the cutest couple ever. But are you having second thoughts?
Lily : Yeah. But not about Marshall. About me. I just keep thinking about the girl I was 10 years ago and wondering what happened to her.
Lily : I don' t want to be tied down. I want to live in France and Spain and Italy and just soak up life and put it on a canvas, even if it means being a waitress in crappy cafes for five years, I don' t care. I' m going to be a painter. And I can' t do any of that with a boyfriend shackled around my neck, you know? But, anyway, I' m blabbering. Way to make new friends, Lily. I' m sorry. What was your name again?
Marshall : Marshall.
Lily : Nice to meet you, Marshall. Guess we' re hall mates.
Marshall : Yeah.
Lily : It works.
Marshall : Violent Femmes. I love this song.
Lily : Me, too.
Lily : I didn' t have any of the experiences I set out to. The travel, the bohemian art life, my big lesbian experience. I didn' t do any of it.
Robin : Lily, you' re marrying your best friend in the world. I mean, isn' t that worth all the other experiences combined?
Lily : Yeah.
Robin : And, look, you can still travel. I mean, you can still paint. And as far as your lesbian experience...
Robin : Happy?
Lily : Yeah. So field hockey, huh?
Robin : Shut up.
Robin: wǒ yào wèn nǐ gè wèn tí, yě xǔ zhè hěn fēng kuáng. yīn wèi nǐ men yǒng yuǎn shì zuì kě ài de yī duì. dàn, è, nǐ yóu yù le ma? Lily: , dàn bú shì yīn wèi Marshall, shì wǒ zì jǐ, wǒ bù tíng de xiǎng zhe shí nián qián de zì jǐ, xiǎng zhe tā jīng lì le shén me Lily: wǒ bù xiǎng bèi bǎng sǐ zài yī gè dì fāng, wǒ xiǎng yóu jū yú fǎ guó, xī bān yá hé yì dà lì jí qǔ shēng huó, rán hòu huà zài huà bù shàng, jiù suàn de zài làn kā fēi guǎn lǐ duān shàng wǔ nián pán zi, wǒ yě bù zài hu, wǒ yào dāng gè huà jiā. páng biān yǒu gè nán péng yǒu qiān zhe wǒ bó zi, wǒ jiù zuò bù liǎo zhè xiē le, nǐ dǒng ma? dàn wú lùn rú hé, wǒ huà duō, jiāo péng yǒu de fāng shì, Lily. bào qiàn , néng zài shuō cì nǐ de míng zì ma? Marshall: Marshall Lily: hěn gāo xìng rèn shí nǐ, Marshall, wǒ men zhù duì mén. zhuāng hǎo le Marshall: Violent Femmes de, wǒ xǐ huān zhè shǒu gē Lily: wǒ yě shì Lily: wǒ de rén shēng jì huà yī jiàn dōu méi shí xiàn, lǚ xíng, bō xī mǐ yà yì shù shēng huó, wǒ de shèng dà tóng xìng liàn jīng lì, wǒ shén me yě méi zuò Robin: Lily, nǐ yào hé shì jiè shang nǐ zuì hǎo de péng yǒu jié hūn le, zhè nán dào bù zhí de yòng suǒ yǒu zhè xiē jīng lì huàn qǔ ma? hái yǒu, nǐ hái shì kě yǐ lǚ xíng, hái shì kě yǐ huì huà, zhì yú nǐ de tóng xìng liàn jīng lì... kāi xīn le ba? Lily: qū gùn qiú? Robin: bì zuǐ