
歌曲 老爸老妈浪漫史:s01e22-3
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老爸老妈浪漫史


Marshall :Forbid? Who said forbid?I was just reminding you that there's this wedding coming up in a couple of months, and I was kind of hoping you'd save the date. Look for me,I'll be the guy in the awesome suit.I mean, come on, Lily,it's what you've always wanted.
Lily :Yeah, but there's a lot of things I've always wanted and I haven't done any of them.I'm sorry. I just need to do this before settling down forever.
Marshall :So now we've gone from " I was never gonna do it. "to "I need to do this."Did I leave the room at some point?When did that happen?
Lily :Oh, maybe when you said you wouldn't let me do it.
Marshall :I never said that!You know, if you're having these kind of doubts now,what's gonna change in three months?Maybe we just shouldn't get married at all.
Lily :Maybe not.
Both : Pause.
Lily : So are you just like starving?
Marshall : Totally.Red Lobster?
Lily :Oh, lobster, lobster, lobster,you are delicious.
Marshall :Oh, God, I love butter sauce.There's nothing bad about it.Say something bad about butter sauce,I dare you.
Lily :I wouldn't dare.Marshall, no. We're on pause. There's no crying in pause land. Pause land is a magical place with popcorn shrimp mounds and butter sauce rivers. Damn it!
Marshall:禁止? 谁说禁止的。我就提醒你,还有一两个月我们的婚礼就要举行了。我希望你能注意时间的安排,敬请期待,我到时将会穿着超帅的西装出现。莉莉,这不就是你所想要的吗? Lily:是的,但是有很多东西,都是我所想要的,而我还都没有实现,对不起,我要在永远稳定下来之前实现这么一个想要的 Marshall:那现在,我们从"我永远都不会那么做"这句话,前进到"我需要做这事"了。我中途离开过吗?什么时候改的? Lily:哦,也许当你说你不让我做的时候 Marshall:我从来没这么说过。你知道的,如果你现在就有这样的怀疑。那在这三个月里会有什么改变啊也许我们压根就不该结婚 Lily:也许是不该 Both:暂停 Lily:你是不是觉得饿了 Marshall:确实,去吃红龙虾 Lily:哦,龙虾,龙虾,龙虾,龙虾龙虾,我最爱吃哦。 Marshall:老天啊,我爱死这黄油酱,完美无缺啊。我肯定你也找不出它的坏处 Lily:我也肯定 。马修,别。我们正在暂停期。暂停的大地上没有哭泣!暂停区是个魔法之地,有,有油爆虾球山,还有黄油酱大河,去你的!


Marshall : Forbid? Who said forbid? I was just reminding you that there' s this wedding coming up in a couple of months, and I was kind of hoping you' d save the date. Look for me, I' ll be the guy in the awesome suit. I mean, come on, Lily, it' s what you' ve always wanted.
Lily : Yeah, but there' s a lot of things I' ve always wanted and I haven' t done any of them. I' m sorry. I just need to do this before settling down forever.
Marshall : So now we' ve gone from " I was never gonna do it. " to " I need to do this." Did I leave the room at some point? When did that happen?
Lily : Oh, maybe when you said you wouldn' t let me do it.
Marshall : I never said that! You know, if you' re having these kind of doubts now, what' s gonna change in three months? Maybe we just shouldn' t get married at all.
Lily : Maybe not.
Both : Pause.
Lily : So are you just like starving?
Marshall : Totally. Red Lobster?
Lily : Oh, lobster, lobster, lobster, you are delicious.
Marshall : Oh, God, I love butter sauce. There' s nothing bad about it. Say something bad about butter sauce, I dare you.
Lily : I wouldn' t dare. Marshall, no. We' re on pause. There' s no crying in pause land. Pause land is a magical place with popcorn shrimp mounds and butter sauce rivers. Damn it!
Marshall: jìn zhǐ? shuí shuō jìn zhǐ de. wǒ jiù tí xǐng nǐ, hái yǒu yī liǎng ge yuè wǒ men de hūn lǐ jiù yào jǔ xíng le. wǒ xī wàng nǐ néng zhù yì shí jiān de ān pái, jìng qǐng qī dài, wǒ dào shí jiāng huì chuān zhe chāo shuài de xī zhuāng chū xiàn. lì lì, zhè bù jiù shì nǐ suǒ xiǎng yào de ma? Lily: shì de, dàn shì yǒu hěn duō dōng xī, dōu shì wǒ suǒ xiǎng yào de, ér wǒ hái dōu méi yǒu shí xiàn, duì bù qǐ, wǒ yào zài yǒng yuǎn wěn dìng xià lái zhī qián shí xiàn zhè me yí gè xiǎng yào de Marshall: nà xiàn zài, wǒ men cóng" wǒ yǒng yuǎn dōu bú huì nà me zuò" zhè jù huà, qián jìn dào" wǒ xū yào zuò zhè shì" le. wǒ zhōng tú lí kāi guò ma? shén me shí hòu gǎi de? Lily: ó, yě xǔ dāng nǐ shuō nǐ bù ràng wǒ zuò de shí hòu Marshall: wǒ cóng lái méi zhè me shuō guò. nǐ zhī dào de, rú guǒ nǐ xiàn zài jiù yǒu zhè yàng de huái yí. nà zài zhè sān ge yuè lǐ huì yǒu shén me gǎi biàn a yě xǔ wǒ men yà gēn jiù bù gāi jié hūn Lily: yě xǔ shì bù gāi Both: zàn tíng Lily: nǐ shì bú shì jué de è le Marshall: què shí, qù chī hóng lóng xiā Lily: ó, lóng xiā, lóng xiā, lóng xiā, lóng xiā lóng xiā, wǒ zuì ài chī ó. Marshall: lǎo tiān a, wǒ ài sǐ zhè huáng yóu jiàng, wán měi wú quē a. wǒ kěn dìng nǐ yě zhǎo bù chū tā de huài chù Lily: wǒ yě kěn dìng . mǎ xiū, bié. wǒ men zhèng zài zàn tíng qī. zàn tíng de dà dì shàng méi yǒu kū qì! zàn tíng qū shì gè mó fǎ zhī dì, yǒu, yǒu yóu bào xiā qiú shān, hái yǒu huáng yóu jiàng dà hé, qù nǐ de!