
歌曲 免费拥抱活动
歌手 英语听力
专辑 专四听力满分突破


The Free Hugs Campaign is a social movement involving individuals who offer hugs to strangers in public places. The campaign in its present form was started in 2004 by an Australian man. Initially, people were suspicious of the strange man on the street offering to hug anyone who wanted one. Soon, however, suspicion gave way to enthusiastic acceptance. When authorities tried to stop the campaign, over 10,000 people signed to ensure its continuance. The campaign became famous internationally in 2006 as the result of a music video uploaded into the Internet. The response to the video was astounding. Many people joined this newly created movement, and went out offering free hugs to whoever wanted one. This event demonstrates how the Internet can be used to connect humanity beyond the boundaries of space and time. The hugs are meant to be random acts of kindness, reputedly selfless acts performed by a person for the sole reason of making others feel better.


The Free Hugs Campaign is a social movement involving individuals who offer hugs to strangers in public places. The campaign in its present form was started in 2004 by an Australian man. Initially, people were suspicious of the strange man on the street offering to hug anyone who wanted one. Soon, however, suspicion gave way to enthusiastic acceptance. When authorities tried to stop the campaign, over 10, 000 people signed to ensure its continuance. The campaign became famous internationally in 2006 as the result of a music video uploaded into the Internet. The response to the video was astounding. Many people joined this newly created movement, and went out offering free hugs to whoever wanted one. This event demonstrates how the Internet can be used to connect humanity beyond the boundaries of space and time. The hugs are meant to be random acts of kindness, reputedly selfless acts performed by a person for the sole reason of making others feel better.
miǎn fèi yōng bào huó dòng shì yī zhǒng shè huì huó dòng, tā bāo kuò gè rén zài gōng gòng chǎng hé tí gōng yōng bào gěi mò shēng rén. zhè gè huó dòng xiàn zài de xíng shì shì yí gè ào dà lì yà rén yú 2004 nián chuàng lì de. zuì chū, rén men huái yí zhè gè mò shēng rén zài jiē shàng tí gōng yōng bào gěi rèn hé xū yào yōng bào de rén. rán ér bù jiǔ, huái yí zhě rè qíng de jiē shòu yōng bào. dāng zhèng fǔ shì tú tíng zhǐ zhè gè huó dòng shí chāo guò 10, 00 rén biǎo shì què bǎo tā de jì xù yán xù. 2006 nián, yóu yú yīn yuè shì pín shàng chuán dào wǎng shàng zhè gè huó dòng zài guó jì shàng chū míng. shì pín de huí xiǎng jīng rén. hěn duō rén jiā rù zhè gè xīn ér fù yǒu chuàng zào lì de huó dòng, kāi shǐ tí gōng miǎn fèi de yōng bào gěi rèn hé xiǎng yōng bào de rén. zhè gè shì qíng shuō míng liǎo wǎng luò shì rú hé chāo yuè kōng jiān hé shí jiān jiāng rén lèi lián xì qǐ lái. zhè gè yōng bào yì wèi zhe yǒu hǎo suí yì de xíng wéi, pǔ biàn rèn wéi yí ge rén yǒu zhè yàng wú sī de xíng wéi zhǐ shì yīn wèi yí gè yuán yīn shǐ rén gǎn dào kāi xīn.