
歌曲 美国卫生保障体系
歌手 英语听力
专辑 专四听力满分突破


The US is one of the few industrialized countries that do not have a centralized health insurance system. Development of a universal health care program in the US may be difficult because taxes are too low to finance it. But the federal government has become more involved in all aspects of health care. Health insurance plans are widely various, but most Americans depend on employ-sponsored health insurance. Health maintenance organization are becoming popular, and many companies have carried out their own programs to insure employees . The government has provided supplementary health care for those who do not have access to private health insurance by the establishment of Medicare and Medicaid. Seventeen percent of the non-elderly population is uninsured, and has severely limited access to health care. The government is increasingly burdened by the health care crisis, and needs to become invovled in heallth care policy-making on the federal lever.


The US is one of the few industrialized countries that do not have a centralized health insurance system. Development of a universal health care program in the US may be difficult because taxes are too low to finance it. But the federal government has become more involved in all aspects of health care. Health insurance plans are widely various, but most Americans depend on employsponsored health insurance. Health maintenance organization are becoming popular, and many companies have carried out their own programs to insure employees . The government has provided supplementary health care for those who do not have access to private health insurance by the establishment of Medicare and Medicaid. Seventeen percent of the nonelderly population is uninsured, and has severely limited access to health care. The government is increasingly burdened by the health care crisis, and needs to become invovled in heallth care policymaking on the federal lever.
měi guó shì dāng jīn shì jiè jí shǎo shù gōng yè huà de guó jiā zhī yī, què quē shǎo yī tào jí zhōng huà de wèi shēng bǎo zhàng tǐ xì. yóu yú shuì tài dī, zī jīn bù zú, zài měi guó shí xiàn yī liáo bǎo jiàn pǔ jí huà de mù biāo cún zài kùn nán. lián bāng zhèng fǔ yǐ jīng gèng jiā shēn rù guǎn lǐ yī liáo bǎo jiàn gè gè fāng miàn dí wèn tí. wèi shēng bǎo zhàng jì huà yuè lái yuè duō yàng huà, dàn shì dà bù fèn měi guó qǐ yè yī lài yuán gōng shì zàn zhù de yī liáo bǎo xiǎn zhì dù. yī liáo wéi hù zǔ zhī yù lái yù shòu dào dà zhòng qīng lài de tóng shí, xǔ duō qǐ yè zhí xíng zì jǐ de gōng sī jì huà, yǐ bǎo zhàng yuán gōng lì yì. zhèng fǔ yě zhì dìng le yī liáo bǎo jiàn bǔ chōng tiáo lì, zhuān mén shì yòng yú gè bié wú fǎ xiǎng shòu yī liáo bǎo xiǎn hé yī liáo yuán zhù de rén qún. hái shì 17 de rén méi yǒu de dào yī liáo bǎo zhàng de, qiě xiāng dāng nán xiǎng shòu yī liáo bǎo zhàng. yī liáo bǎo zhàng wēi jī màn màn dì jiā zhòng le zhèng fǔ de fù dān, ér zhèng fǔ kāi shǐ cān yù lián bāng zhì yī liáo bǎo jiàn zhèng cè de zhì dìng yě shì bì xū de.