Did you use credit cards on your vacation last month in Europe? Sure did. They certainly beat going around with a wallet full of big bills. But carrying lots of cash is still very common among some older people traveling abroad. What does the man say about some elderly people? | |
你在上个月的欧洲旅行中使用信用卡了吗? 当然。它们(信用卡)改变了我带着一个满满的钱包旅游的做法。但是对于一些年长的人,带着大量现金在国外旅游是很常见的。 关于一些年长之人,那位先生说什么? |
Did you use credit cards on your vacation last month in Europe? Sure did. They certainly beat going around with a wallet full of big bills. But carrying lots of cash is still very common among some older people traveling abroad. What does the man say about some elderly people? | |
ni zai shang ge yue de ou zhou lv xing zhong shi yong xin yong ka le ma? dang ran. ta men xin yong ka gai bian le wo dai zhe yi ge man man de qian bao lv you de zuo fa. dan shi dui yu yi xie nian zhang de ren, dai zhe da liang xian jin zai guo wai lv you shi hen chang jian de. guan yu yi xie nian zhang zhi ren, na wei xian sheng shuo shi mo? |
Did you use credit cards on your vacation last month in Europe? Sure did. They certainly beat going around with a wallet full of big bills. But carrying lots of cash is still very common among some older people traveling abroad. What does the man say about some elderly people? | |
nǐ zài shàng ge yuè de ōu zhōu lǚ xíng zhōng shǐ yòng xìn yòng kǎ le ma? dāng rán. tā men xìn yòng kǎ gǎi biàn le wǒ dài zhe yí gè mǎn mǎn de qián bāo lǚ yóu de zuò fǎ. dàn shì duì yú yī xiē nián zhǎng de rén, dài zhe dà liàng xiàn jīn zài guó wài lǚ yóu shì hěn cháng jiàn de. guān yú yī xiē nián zhǎng zhī rén, nà wèi xiān shēng shuō shí mǒ? |